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Social Media [Facebook, Twitter, etc]

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 8:38 am
by MikeMattke
You create a great facebook page or keep your Twitter up to date but how do you get people to see them? I am working with a lawyer who wants me to create a page for him. I am also doing video work too but I don't need any input on that [at least yet!].

How do you let people [who aren't your friends or on your email list] that your page is out there??? I created one for my business but the number of friends or "likes" have not increased for some time.

Any ideas?

Thank you oh great brain trust that is the Casablanca Forum!

Re: Social Media [Facebook, Twitter, etc]

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 9:27 am
by Charles
Hi Mike
I have neither but include links in your e-mail signature, on your web site if you have one,business card,invoices,quotes for work,any forums your on etc.

Re: Social Media [Facebook, Twitter, etc]

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 6:42 pm
by jeffphilips
That's it! You put it every where you can. You also hope that his friends friends will see it an join on. The other option is to take out ads on facebook. You can target locations, age groups, occupations, finances, male, females and just about any category. It is pretty cheap as well.