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non-profit video

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 5:52 am
by jeffphilips
Here is Non-profit video I shot and edited.
There were 2 days of shooting and 13 hours of editing. It was a fun project.

Re: non-profit video

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 6:27 am
by CKNewman
Wow! Great production! I'd love to hear how you shot and edited - especially the audio. And how did you get that rough-edged frame to move across the video towards the beginning? Inquiring mind wants to know. :D

Re: non-profit video

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 6:53 am
by TimKennelly
Very nice job Jeff and thirteen hours editing. . .you are very disciplined to get this completed in that amount of time.

Heck, I have trouble remembering to keep track of the timer when I try to time my edits. :D

Re: non-profit video

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 7:51 am
by LouBruno
Superb job and excellent use of inserts. Keep up the good work!

Re: non-profit video

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 7:59 am
by jeffphilips
Regarding the audio: The first day of shooting I interviewed coaches and 3 participants using the Sennheiser wireless lav. During the lessons I had a wireless on each coach on seperate channels. This way, depending on which coach I was filming, in post I could eliminate the audio track I didn't want to use.

The day of the race, my assistant and I went around gathering soundbites from as many girls as we could. I used the wireless sennheiser system with a shotgun mic, as you can see in some of the shots.

As far as the rough edged frame, I wish I could tell you that it took my special skills :)
But I can't, it was one of Digital Hotcakes fantastic products.

Last year I purchased the Steadicam Merlin. I use it more and more in my productions. There is a short 4 sec clip in this video that demonstates it quite nicely. Take another look, there is an African-American girl running in front of her blonde haired coach. I was running just as fast as they were and there is no bounce in the shot. I love the Merlin!

Thanks for commenting! It is always great to get feedback from other editors.

Re: non-profit video

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 2:34 am
by IanPearson
I think all the others have expressed my thoughts on the technicalities of your short film, it is great.

As a purely amateur editor, the technicality of editing is not such a issue for me, but topics and filming techniques is where I lack experience and inspiration. Your short film is just the type of piece that helps generate the ideas side of my hobby.

Thanks for sharing this.


Re: non-profit video

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 4:52 pm
by KimSWilliamson
Well done Jeff,

This is a great promo video, I am sure the client is happy!

Thanks for the "how it was done" explanations. What mixer did you use when using the wireless + shotgun at the same time?

Kim S. Williamson

Re: non-profit video

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 6:17 pm
by jeffphilips
I did not use a mixer. I just had one mic going into the left channel and the other in the right channel. I then mixed them in post with the renommee audio software.
