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Impressed with footage I see here...

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 6:54 am
by stonepatterson
I am very impressed with the footage that I see here by fellow MacroSystem users. Then I look at my footage; not so much. Is my weakness due to camera(s) used ? Only the camera(s)? Or am I missing something else? Granted, I am still using a Sony 150 (over twelve years used old but still ticking) for the bulk of my footage (I did upgrade to a S4000Pro -- but have not been able to afford cams like Sony EX-3 or NX5 or a Canon XF100HD -- still dreaming of). Is there a way I can get my footage to look better on YouTube than it does with the 150. Granted, the downloading IS very fast. But my IMAGE/FOOTAGE quality compared to everyone else's is soooooo weak. My bad. Open to any suggestions. The following URLs can be see @ YouTube @ stonepatterson (were shot on October 2nd and up on the 5th)... ... FxEIcq5okA ... mazfi83r8s ... EM6N2Xzago
Thanks for any suggestions on how to make my footage/video images better.

Re: Impressed with footage I see here...

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 10:25 am
by ASHampton
When you export from Media Manager....What CODEC are you using?

Re: Impressed with footage I see here...

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 12:12 pm
by stonepatterson
I place edited footage frome S4000Pro to my Apple Pro Mac and use IMovie to h264 download through FaceBook.

Re: Impressed with footage I see here...

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 12:52 pm
by ASHampton
What version of Bogart are you using? If you are using Bogart 3...i would use the MM to transfer to a Divx or H.264 and see if you notice a difference in quality.

Re: Impressed with footage I see here...

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 1:39 pm
by stonepatterson
The latest version of Bogart. Purchased last month. Really have not experimented with direct link from S4000Pro to Internet yet. To date I have the S4000Pro for editing only (faster than any other machine from raw footage to finished project). What is the brief overview I need to do to place footage from S4000Pro to Internet (YouTube) ? Thank you...

Re: Impressed with footage I see here...

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 3:53 pm
by CasablancaExpert
I would agree with Seth to go straight from your Bogart system into your computer for uploading. Here is a tutorial on the process (on the public area of my website):

If you're editing/delivering High Def video, you might consider exporting from/using the DivX file format found under the PC Data folder in the Media Manager Export files. Another option that some have been successful with is to use the Storyboard Archives function found in the Project Settings Menu - export out to USB card and then export directly from that device to your YouTube channel, etc.

Hope that helps!


Re: Impressed with footage I see here...

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 4:10 am
by stonepatterson
I will give that a try, just means tearing apart my studio and equipment and re arraigning it all. LOL. Guess what I will do today. So. In the end. Using a Sony DVcam 150 was NOT the reason for the poor quality image; it was the way I was delivering the 'footage'. Hope this works -- thanks a bunch.

Another question. Is there a way I can de interlace, convert DVcam footage to a softer film look (like seen in Red Giant's Magic Bullet software, e.g. Looks 1.4 or Mojo 1.2)? I have all this footage that I have shot over the past 10 years that would benefit greatly by looking more like film (but not the 'film' look on the effect pack 1 or the other film software look that came with my unit) before finalized to DVD.

I love the S4000Pro cause I can do so much with it -- very quickly! But in trying to polish finished edited footage... The above footage mentioned was all shot with DSR 300, 500, DSR 150 and PD100a (3-chip DVcam) and edited with DSR30 and Kron/S4000Pro. Thank you for any ideas and suggestions... I am open to trying anything to better my work (just do not have spare dimes anywhere; it's the economy, plus I am not rich or famous in any way, shape or form). Thanks for all and any suggestions...

We just like to get a lot of non-pro actors together and make original movies (cause it's fun and keeps us young) -- Unfortunately we have never made a dime profit making movies. But we continue...