Trailer for comedy-horror...

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Joined: Wed Nov 04, 2009 11:17 am
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Trailer for comedy-horror...

Post by stonepatterson »

Working on this, The Sick Gods of Serial Killers while also wrapping up a 10 years of footage, documentary on the evolution of a commercial haunted house, ScareAtorium. Let me know what you think of the comedy-horror trailer? Suggestions, ideas and comments are very, very welcomed. I learn from my viewers. This comedy-horror is a low-budget-that-looks-like-a-big-budgeted-Hollywood-production, attempt. I mean no budget! But trying for big budget looks! Still casting as I shoot. Let me know what you think... oh and best watched in high definition on a big screen (unfortunately, only the thumb drive versions are in surround sound). Thanks!
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