QR Codes - Not Rocket Science

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QR Codes - Not Rocket Science

Post by JoeConnell »

Hello everyone,

I am sure you all have seen these images everywhere
that seem to look like a Bar Code on steroids...
They are called QR Codes
I have gone crazy trying to figure out how they work
and how I could make my own for those Smart Phone people
who seem to be years ahead of some of us... (at least me)

NOTE: for those of you who already know how this works,
you can just SKIP THIS and forgive me for being so stupid.

Here is a little info that should help us all to create our own QR codes
and be able to READ them to make sure they will work for us
so we can add them to Business Cards, Brouchures or whatever we want...

1st of all you need to Create your QR image(s)
How to Create QR images... FREE
Go to http://quikqr.com
Use the FREE online QR Code Generator
... just follow instructions

For those who don’t have a Smart Phone/I-pod
(I don't have a Smart Phone to even test the image???)
there is a simple way to read a QR code image.

If you see one on line do the following:

1. Right click the image
2. Save the image (Remember where you saved it to, usually the desktop is the easiest to remember)
(or if you have already created & saved one on your PC) do the following:
3. Go to a Free online bar code reader - http://www.onlinebarcodereader.com/
4. When on that page Click Browse
5. Find saved image
6. Click send file on that web site page
7. Voila you can now read the image

For those images that are not on the internet, and are on newspapers,or printed media.

1. Take a JPEG image (scan or take a photo with cell phone) of the code
2. Save/Download it to your Photoshop to crop the image, leave a small border around the image to ensure everything is visible.
3. Follow the same procedures as above

Joe Connell
A1 Video Professionals
Connell Creations Unlimited
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