Tool Bar

For all those great, but off-Casablanca-editing, topics
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Posts: 618
Joined: Thu Jun 18, 2009 8:59 pm
Casablanca Unit: Bogart 6.1 for windows, Renommee, Avio pro, and a cassie classic
2 Sony PD170s, 2 panasonic dvx100s, 1 JVC DV300, 1 sony DCRhc42
1 panasonicpvGS120
Location: Myakka City, Fl.

Tool Bar

Post by flvideo »

Thanks Chet, I installed the tool bar last night and I didn't have time to look at it much till this morning. That is kwell. Thanks Man for all you do for us. I have been in this business for a long time and I have never had this kind of support from any manufactor, and I might add I have spent much more on some that didn't do near as much as my Cassie. Thanks again! Bob...
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