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Re: BB Camaraderie

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 12:25 pm
by TimKennelly
Personally, I think we mainly have just been going through what I would call a "doldrums time period" which has happened before a few times over the years I feel.

I do believe the strangeness (not worse, just different) of the new board has suppressed some participation, possibly even lost some members which has emphasized and perhaps extended the lower participation and interaction.

However, I don't believe, flat out refuse to believe something as small as a board format can have a significant continuing impact in the comradery of this forum and expect the synergy will pick up naturally over the next couple of months.

I do believe the new hardware and such will nurture more interaction in the community and hopefully we will see an influx of new users as I have been more concerned with what I see as an apparent trend of our community of having less and less new members.

A negative trend there obviously bodes ill for both our BB and our editing company of choice.

I still believe this is the friendliest BB on earth and I will have John the Giant rip off anyone's head that disputes that! :D

Re: BB Camaraderie

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 2:32 pm
by PaulBusta
I agree with you Tim...especially about the new board having an impact on participation. Remember how much trouble we had with the old board :( This board is as stable as all get out. I also feel the company made a wise decision when they went with the Bogart OS. This business is driven by innovation and if Macrosystem doesn't stay on top of the curve it's sure to sink and take all hands on board with it, meaning us. We are all here because our system is so easy to use and gives great results and if there's a problem we can call the company and talk to a "real live person" in a very short time. I know that I for one probably wouldn't be in this business if it wern't for the Casablanca family of editors, I started out with the 040 machine and here 10 years later I'm looking forward to recieving my top of the line S4000Pro. Macrosystem and Life are good. That's my 2 cent worth... the other 98 cents went into the gas tank :lol: :lol:

Re: BB Camaraderie

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 2:35 pm
by Beachy
Now this has come as a complete supprise to me! Tim, Are you saying that there is a newer model than my 1998 Avio -1 ? :D And that the Rev Bob and I are lagging behind? Well, when he spends his baubles on a newer model, then so shall I...(dont hold your breath, He's Scots remember!) I hope your right and that we pick up the old banter, as well as the tech stuff....Hope you and yours are well.....John

Re: BB Camaraderie

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 5:33 pm
by PaulBusta
Now THAT"S the Beachy we have all come to love ;) :D :D :D Just remember the end of the day when the customer is happy with what ya done's not the machine ya's the guy that runs it. :) :D :D

Re: BB Camaraderie

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 7:55 pm
by jeffphilips
I really got into the BB just about 3 weeks prior to the new one. I think the BB is a wonderful place!! I check it at least 3 times everyday. I too don't say much about the technical problems people have, for I feel I am not qualified.

If I have a question about something, the speed in which people respond is amazing! In many cases, it is faster then customer service. The BB is a great place to go and get facts or answers. Something that I am very grateful for.

I do enjoy hearing from folks around the globe. I also enjoy seeing the work of others.

Keep on Sharing!!