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Re: Quadcam what # are we on with smart edit 7

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 8:32 am
by TimKennelly

I also shoot primarily weddings using three views and run into the same experience of sometimes placing on cam onto the tripod just shortly before the ceremony starting as I am coming from shooting the bride's prep.

I don't bother with flashing my cams myself, but just normally use the professional's flash on one of the first bridal party members or parents, grandparents, etc and just backwards adjust the start point of each view from that to match up with each other.

You can use Trim for this in a relative snap (or Split) with each view.

I start with the view I wish to start the video with and set my starting point for that view using Trim, locate the flash that will be easily seen by the three views, notate the duration from view start to flash TO THE FRAME and then use Trim on the remaining two views to make the duration between their start points and that same flash equal to the first and there you have it.

I have used both methods and I can "sync" three views manually FASTER than the time it takes me to physically power up/power down, connect/disconnect three cams to "pre-sync" the three for later auto sync use and I avoid any glitch issues and this also only requires me to physically view/edit the portion I will actually be using instead of the tape from it's beginning.

To me the advantage of auto-sync would only be advantageous for on and off again shooting with multiple cams in situations like the various formal events at the reception, but I don't bother with that either.

Re: Quadcam what # are we on with smart edit 7

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 2:03 pm
by Jeanton
G'day mate!

Thanks everyone for the great advice and I love this forum site. In Australia we Casablanca users are few and far between, although we have a forum site too and I do get great advice from them as well. Didn't know this easy way of syncing but will have a try today with it (as well as auto sync them beforehand just in case) if it works fine for me I will transfer the sofware over to my pro. Not just yet though because wedding season is well in progress and I can't afford to send my machine off for a few days (don't want to get behind in editing). I feel alot better about the new Quadcam now and Macrosystems - love the ease of use and simplicity (even my wife does some editing for me - don't think she would go through the learning curve from all the PC based systems).

Thanks again,