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Re: Small Quadcam screens !!

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 3:05 am
by Martyn
If your HD monitor is set to 1080, try changing it to 720.

Dalco uk

Re: Small Quadcam screens !!

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 4:34 pm
by Jeanton
Hi Martyn

Just switched it to 720 and yes the screens are alot bigger. I suppoos I switch to 720 when I want to use quadcam and when I am finished go back to 1080. Thanks for that Martyn isn't it good to have a forum like this to help eachother out.

And Paul I just edit in DV at the moment. Thanks for you input aswell.

Re: Small Quadcam screens !!

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 6:40 pm
by PaulBusta
So do I Jeanton :D Just make sure you be real careful when you add text and PIP effects. The lcd screens make it impossable to tell if those things are in the "safe picture" and "safe title" areas. In NTSC I use the 80% 20% rule, I think it's the same with PAL.