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Re: Another situation

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 3:13 pm
by JBrooks
Hey guys here is a quote from Jorge back in October 2009:

"we are optimistic that we can go out of the "chapter 11"
situation very soon, as the restructuring is nearly done. So companies like
Motion Studios and TV Paint have resumed R+D, even brought out the first
products (like Columbus 3)." From: Joerg Sprave <>
To: Cassie Tips <>
Sent: Sat, October 31, 2009 7:23:59 AM

I am optimistic that CB paint will return for Bogart. I use and like the "mini CB paint" programs like object tracer for what it is. I hope CB paint or another program will be developed for Bogart.

Joel Brooks
MIT Video

Re: Another situation

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 4:24 am
by HansJoachimKoenig
Hi Tim,
many thanks for your try to straighten things having been said.

It though was never my attempt to offend or miscredit John's earning his living in any way
using the Casa system.

But John, I used your own words and if I offended you in saying this I really apologize!

I spent over 30 years in the real hard TV business and believe me I know what I'm
talking about.
I had been a "Clockwatcher" also.

So Tim, Lou, Franklin and me let's have a symbolic drink together for keeping
Casa-Machines and "Coming Soon" software alive in the future, for whatever reasons we use them for.

Cheers from the "74-old-clockwatcher" :D

Re: Another situation

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 6:09 am
by Franklinbencosme
............... ;) nice 3D cheers

Re: Another situation

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 6:11 am
by Alan
I've just come back from a weekend away to see this discussion getting hotter and hotter and going round and round getting nowhere. When is it going to get up enough steam to put pressure on MS? It is all a waste of hot air if it is not directed at MS to come up with the goods.


Re: Another situation

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 8:34 am
by ChrisStone
JohnKleban wrote:
I don't recall Lou, but is there any clip by you using CB Paint in which you have incorporated said clip into a production in which a client paid for? If so, please forward that link to me; all I have ever seen from the software are these little “experiment” segments (as you yourself have coined them).
Hi John
Not taking any sides here, but once I got into the TV commercial production business, almost all of my editing was accomplished with CB Paint. Creating custom masks, logos, and special fx were a snap with it. The titling was much crisper with CB Paint, not to mention the custom animation that could be done with the titling.

You can see some of the work here, although the newer clips are NOT done with CB Paint.

When I upgraded to the S4000pro all that came to an end. With the problems I, and everyone else had with the S4000 as well as losing my primary means of editing I decided to move on to another editing platform.

I still use my Renommee Plus at my government day job, for simple quick edits, so I haven't completely left the family ;)

Re: Another situation

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 8:38 am
by Charles
I think repeated e-mails to MS Germany will do more good but as Herr Sprave is coming to MGT perhaps a ambush would do even more.

I think MS clients / customers have proved beyond any doubt that through tough times we will support them,it's time the support was returned.

In this day and age how long does it take to e-mail,post to a forum a brief note on progress,it's a personal pet hate of mine that when you e-mail a person / company they don't even reply just how long does it take.

Re: Another situation

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 9:53 am
by Alan
Last year someone (was it Tim?) had a list of questions for Herr Sprave, will they be doing it again and include CBPaint?


Re: Another situation

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 10:32 am
by HansJoachimKoenig
Last year March 2, 2009 I wrote a letter to Mr. Sprave asking him
when the "Coming Soon" software for Bogart will be be released,
this included also CBPaint.
Now after almost one year has passed, I'm still waiting for an answer
from Mr. Sprave.
No further comment

Re: Another situation

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 11:43 am
by Alan
When is MS going to stop damaging itself by not keeping its customers in the loop?

You might think complaining shows disloyalty. Its not so, its the complainers who are the most loyal, others just walk away.


Re: Another situation

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 9:10 pm
by TimKennelly

Discussions here are simply that discussions among users.

I know Jorg monitors and occasionally interacts/posts on the List, but he does not read, monitor or post on the BB.

It was I who asked for a list of questions, etc. last year to personally take to Jorg, but I cannot do that this year for two reasons.

One, I unfortunately cannot attend due to a work conflict.

I am totally bummed as I was of course, planning to attend.

Two, to my knowledge Jorg has not made any statement that he attending MGT this year.

No amount of harping on the BB by three or four guys will have any effect on putting pressure on MSDE to supply CB Paint for Bogart.

Direct mail and e-mail is much more affective for such although truthfully, three or four people sending e-mails won't have any effect either.

I am still waiting to get some commercial use out of my Blu-ray burner.

Two years of ownership, the burner model itself has been outdated with a new model and I still cannot sell Blu-ray products with menus, chapters or that play through the entire wedding ceremony or video uninterrupted on even a Playstation, let alone a Blu-ray player.

As the Blu-ray burner was specifically sold FOR the Bogart system and salespitched that you could burn Blu-rays with it I consider that at least as serious a misinformational sales pitch as that all your software would be transferrable.