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Re: 4000 Pro

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 3:26 pm
by RichardBrewer
roger915 wrote:
* When recording HD to the machine, it is impossible to capture clips on the fly because when you stop recording "Finalizing" comes up while the tape is still running.
* Sometimes when recording HD, the machine has lagged so far behind that after clicking to stop recording, you have wait and watch for the footage to catch back up before the machine will do anything.
* Sometimes when recording HD the machine will act like it's recording, but when you go to the edit screen there is no scene in the scene bin.
* When recording HD, you must sit at the machine the whole time. Any glitch seen or unseen will stop the record and it will not start again automatically.

I recorded a wedding on my Canon XHA1, 32 minutes in 3 scenes, loaded to S4000 Pro via Sony GV-HD700; After loading, the S4000 Pro took 14 minutes to process then seemed to freeze on the middle of the last scene. Clicked OK, nothing in the Clip Bin. Thought, no worries, try again. Recorded 15 seconds of same footage, changed my mind, clicked stop, S4000 showed "Finalised" and in the scene bin was my original 32 minutes???
Richard Brewer
New Zealand (PAL)

Re: 4000 Pro

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 4:31 pm
by LouBruno
That's because your original HDV clips were still in the buffer and it finished prior to your 15 seconds. You can also kick out your clips that are rendering at anytime by clicking STOP then OK. At that point the buffering will end albeit not the entire clip of course.


I recorded a wedding on my Canon XHA1, 32 minutes in 3 scenes, loaded to S4000 Pro via Sony GV-HD700; After loading, the S4000 Pro took 14 minutes to process then seemed to freeze on the middle of the last scene. Clicked OK, nothing in the Clip Bin. Thought, no worries, try again. Recorded 15 seconds of same footage, changed my mind, clicked stop, S4000 showed "Finalised" and in the scene bin was my original 32 minutes???
Richard Brewer
New Zealand (PAL)[/quote]