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Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 8:24 pm
by PaulBusta
Has anyone ever heard of this little MPEG 4 recorder? I did some reading about it and it really looks interesting. It records on a 1 or 2 gig SD card, best recording of 720x480, 30fps is 42 min. on a 1 gig card, lipstick camera with 1.5 meter cable with built in mic., records NTSC or PAL, camera and recorder good to 3 feet under water, to many other features to list here. Check it out at I was wondering how it would work with the Cassie family ESPECIALLY the new S4000Pro. This little system could really give an edge to all the action sports videographers on the forum. Chet, do you think you could have your people check this out because it's a USB 2.0 output device. Or will the S4000Pro with the Bogart OS be able to read the card directly. I'm thinking of getting a couple of these recorders for in race cars and would really like to know if they would work with the S4000Pro that I ordered. Any thoughts from anyone would be welcome.



Re: VIO 1

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 1:42 pm
by chetdavis
Hello Paul,

I had not heard of this little device prior to your inquiry/post. I did a little reading on their website (looks like a cool gadget!)... and I read that it utilizes the MPEG4 AVI (DivX Codec). That is good news as I understood from Jorg Sprave at NAB that pretty much any video saved under a DivX Codec could be imported successfully in the new system. Though I would recommend that anyone wait for a solid confirmation that any specific new camera/format is truly compatible.
