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Wedding Videographers & Church Placement

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 5:00 pm
by JBrooks
I want to share my thoughts on wedding chapels and so called churches regarding videographers and photographers placement rules.

I have had a few recent bad experiences with church in-house wedding staff. I usually set-up my main video camera on the stage left (or house right) area of a chapel or church, and the second camera at the back set to wide angle during the wedding ceremony so I can have a good angle of the bride for her close -up during the vows etc. I was informed by the coordinator that NO CAMERAS ALLOWED on the platforms or sides of the stage area! NO EXCEPTIONS!

I talked with the coordinator and told her that I have been in this business for 22 years and that I have been hired by this couple to get the best footage of their once in a lifetime event as possible. She said, "this is a sacred event", and we don't want a camera to distract from the ceremony". All of that to say this folks, it is beyond belief that one would make a special day about them or their church or whatever, instead of about the couple. I understand that there are rules, but it's like this day is not really about the couple getting married.

Anyway, I have been consulting with brides beforehand to check out the rules BEFORE they ever book their event with a chapel or church. Fortunately, this has not been very often, but it is becoming more of an issue with facilities. I'm sure this will start a big thread, but I think it should.

Thank to everyone on this great forum.

Joel Brooks
MIT Video

Re: Wedding Videographers & Church Placement

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 5:29 pm
by LouBruno
Years back a priest was offered an "ALTAR BLESSING" by a photographer who contracted our company to video his clients wedding. We then had NO restrictions after the donation. With this in mind, perhaps the couple can make an extra "ALTAR BLESSING" to ensure proper placement of the videographer.

It works in New York!!!

Re: Wedding Videographers & Church Placement

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 5:38 pm
by flvideo
I did a catholic wedding years ago and they would't let me put a camera on the main floor. I had to tape from a balcony and they wouldn't let me put a mic on their board. I had a wireless on the groom but that didn't do so good. That had a lot to do with me giving up weddings. Bob..

Re: Wedding Videographers & Church Placement

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 5:49 pm
by TimKennelly
New York is a very strange place Lou. :D

Not saying bribes cannot work elsewhere, but still, a very strange place. 8-)

Many times restrictions have been imposed because of abuse from a previous videog and we all get painted, but many times it's just a tyrant wannabee officiant or church lady that imposes stupid restrictions (be clear, I am not saying all restrictions are stupid, but am talking about restrictions that ARE stupid).

I have ran into churches where there are very, very ridiculous restrictions that are imposed and enforced across the board, but most the time it just depends on whether you get the pompous jerk officiant or the nice officiant at the same church.

Some of it you can get a dispensation for through rational discussion and example and some nothing will work, but ultimately, it is your client (bride) who picked the location and is therefore responsible for any limitations the location imposes (reasonable or unreasonable) on you.

Re: Wedding Videographers & Church Placement

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 6:41 pm
by LouBruno
Good Point....luckily there is no bribery in Illinios. LOL!!! ROTFL!!! :-) :-) ;)
TimKennelly wrote:New York is a very strange place Lou. :D

Not saying bribes cannot work elsewhere, but still, a very strange place. 8-)


Re: Wedding Videographers & Church Placement

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 12:24 am
by jimmeeker
Hey Lou,

There isn't any bribery in most of Illinois.....however the folks in Cook County have made it an artform to have their hand in your pocket in order to get anything done.

Luckly I've never offered a payment for a camera position but have had some instances where unreasonable restrictions have been placed on Videographers. One young priest who just started at a church that the Bride grew up in and wanted to get married in.......went back to Latin services and would not allow any cameras on the floor and certainly not near the alter on either side. He would not allow a mic on the groom. The Bride's sister had been married in this church the year before and had no trouble with the old priest who retired just before this daughter's wedding.

I explained all of this to the Bride, Groom and their parents who belonged to this church for over 30 years. They were totally surprised but accepted the new priest's rules for that day and we shot with two cams from the back of the church and got good video of their backs and couldn't hear for the echos off the walls. The Bride and Groom immediately left that church joined a different one after the honeymoon.

Other churches have been most helpful to me as videographers. I usually get better cooperation from the Catholics than some of the Lutheran Ministers. Usually there is one bad experience in every 25 or so weddings. Most are very nice and helpful. This is why it is so important to attend and shoot the Rehearsal so there are no suprises. I hate it when the priest doesn't do the rehearsal and has a stand in do it for him. Then the next day nothing we practiced at the rehearsal was done the same way when the priest shows up for the wedding. I even had one who swore on a stack of Bibles that we had tested the wiresless mic he would be using the next day to make sure that his and mine didn't interfer with each other.

Guess what. He used a different transmitter the day of the wedding and I had a terrible interferance and had to shut down my reciever.....luckily I had warned the Groom that if he heard a squeel from the churche's reach in and shut of his transmitter. It's good to tell the Groom what could happen so he's knows what to do if that happens.

All in all it's a good business to be retired from.

Re: Wedding Videographers & Church Placement

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 6:20 am
by flvideo
I need your secret Jim. How do you retire? I have people knocking on my door wanting something to do with video. I can't quit, I am addicted. My wife has talked about rehabilitation a few times but she ain't found anyone to take the case... Bob...

Re: Wedding Videographers & Church Placement

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 6:57 am
by Lowell
I have had many times when we are not able to get good footage because of a jerk minister or priest. I had one priest tell the mother of the bride that it was not her day it had nothing to do with her it's the Lords day. I had a Methodist minister tell me it was his church and he did things the way he wanted. I told him I was glad to meet Mr Methodist and had seen his name on many churches, and didn't know he owned so many.

Like others said it is usually uncle Tim sorry TK that gives us a bad name because they walk around and do stupid things.

Re: Wedding Videographers & Church Placement

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 12:02 pm
by TimKennelly
It's Uncle Charlie or Uncle Lowell and you know it!

Lou, I suppose there is bribery everywhere, but I think Washington DC and NY, NY make it a lifestyle. 8-)

Re: Wedding Videographers & Church Placement

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 10:56 pm
by jimmeeker

I haven't retired from video....just from shooting weddings. I still do a lot of editing for others, and of course film to video transfers, and stills to video etc. I have to keep all this expensive equipment going or my wife would shoot me. instead of video.

I answer the phone about 5 or 6 often, answering people's questions about how to do this or that with their Cassie equipment. Most of the time I can be helpful.....but my mind is slowing down so much that I can't remember half the things I knew last year.

But the biggest thing that I do with video is that I organize and put on the "March Get Together" each Spring. This is the National Convention for users of Casablanca equipment. Next March will be the Sixth year that I have done the MGT as it is being called nowdays for short.

Doing the MGT takes all year to organize and put on. It's almost a full time job now but doesn't pay like a full time job. I try to make sure that all Casablanca owners know about it and try to attend each year. It's fun and we all learn from each other. Visit the web site and you'll find out a lot about the MGT. Be sure to watch the videos there.
You'll find it at