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Issues with Bogart 2.4c

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 10:11 am
by DarrelCharest
Although I received my S4100 in September I have been less than successful in realizing its potential.

While waiting for my dealer's help with some hands on OJT, I decided too upgrade from the 2.3e operating system to the 2.4c. BAD MOVE

My unit is setup on a two system HD display. After attempting a partial install of 2.4c both displays are essentially blank. Reverting back to 2.3e does not cure the problem.

With nearly 50% of the 1TB hard drive filled, I've been reluctant to bite the bullet and do a full install.

As a matter of interest, the original S4100, transported by FedEx Ground, arrived with the front glass panel shattered.

The replacement S4100 fared no better. It had been jolted so hard that clips holding the frame to the case were dislodged and the 2GB RAM strip had to be replaced.

While it would be a stretch to blame FedEx for my current issues, this is the 3rd occasion involving FedEx Ground between Boulder and Colorado Springs that resuted in damage to my editors.

To be expected, MS Boulder has been very responsive in resolving these problems.

Any thoughts on my current issue with the S4100 and the dual monitor displays?


Re: Issues with Bogart 2.4c

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 12:34 pm
by CasablancaExpert

Sorry to hear of your current woes - you might try the 'emergency' monitor shortcuts listed in this tutorial on my website (log-in first). I cannot say this is the issue but it is something worth trying


Re: Issues with Bogart 2.4c

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 8:40 am
by DarrelCharest

Thanks for the quick reply.

My problem is that neither the monitor nor the video display show any video or data. And for this reason I can't get to the Media Manager to make adjustments or changes.

I'll be calling MS repair Monday for their help and advice.


Re: Issues with Bogart 2.4c

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 9:45 am
by DarrelCharest

You've saved the day for me.

Although my S4100 looked dead I rebooted it once again. And held the left trackball button 5 seconds and just like magic the Media Manager screen appeared. And from there it was just a matter of following directions to get both displays up and running in HD model.

Thanks again for your help.


Re: Issues with Bogart 2.4c

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 10:54 am
by TimKennelly
Yes, under certain circumstances the system defaults to analog YC which leaves most of us with two monitor (and even single monitor) digital setups literally "in the dark".

With memorized keystrokes using Powerkey you can switch the monitor settings to something digital you can use on your monitor, but it's easier to use the trackball key method.