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Another situation

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 7:58 pm
by Franklinbencosme
We are lagging far behind the technological changes that are happening on the market of videos... :|

Ok the world of the 3d is pretty cool, but at least in the video industry is wedding what I do, we can not provide a reliable BLUE RAY, since the only one that I offered was returned in 12 hours, what happened? so please no .. :roll: 3D at this time

Was seen at a play station 3, and the first criticism of the client was not having a menu like that all the BLUE RAY seen in other wedding videos, he wonder about the chapters and I said cooming soon..... :oops:

Well this is a criticism from a client to my final product, it has given me much sadness.... :cry:

Will MS be in the market in 2011,since the technology is going very FAST :?: ....I HOPE ... :(


s-pro 4000...2.4c yes, blablabla sofware

Blu-ray Chapters and Menus

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 3:15 am
by TimKennelly
I certainly understand the frustration, but if Jorg wants to play with 3D software that is fine, it is his company and if there is a market for that, all the better,go for it.

However, I have to strongly agree with Franklin that on a system specifically hyped and sold as a "professional", Blu-ray equipped, HDV/ACHDV editor it is ridiculous that we still cannot create a Blu-ray with menus and chapters!

How stupid is that?!?

There are $50 PC programs that have been out for over a year that can do this. . .

Re: Another situation

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 5:19 am
by CKNewman
I just read the thread above on Blu-Ray discs here: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=577&start=0

It may be that chaptering was limited or even impossible until the continuous playback problem was solved. If that problem has indeed been solved then authoring capability may not be too far off. I think there should be a smilie with fingers crossed. :D

Re: Another situation

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 7:55 pm
by Franklinbencosme
The clock is ticking and there is no positive changes in the Casablanca line of video editors, not only can not do BLUE RAY to compete with our colleagues, but remember some of the promises of the s-Pro 4000 was that we could capture at the same time at least 3 tapes which at that time was another attraction to convince us that this was the machine to buy.

The first thing we need is STABILITY on the operating sistem and then NEWS FILTERS like a say before las time a new filters sofware como to MS was 6 years a go an now what,more maps or 3D? you must be joking.

Long time I did not write, then frustration pushed me to write facts that I know many more people find this happening and more with this product, this does not mean I do not like the concept that for years has characterized casablanca, just my right to not be blind and realize that time goes by and not see a positive horizon.
Just ask to be respected as we have been loyal customers for years, time will tell if I was right ABOUT the future of MS.....

If the economy ( tickets from my country $ 800), allows me to go to MGT 2010 and would say so many things rather than for ethical reasons not to write them here

Thanks for your 3D time.............Franklin

ps-The best team works in Boulder, what will happend if someday every body is gone???.. :o

Re: Another situation

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 5:12 pm
by LouBruno


I know I have a redundant complaint but every filter and professional tool is located in CB PAINT. Filters NOT found in our effects pack are present in CB PAINT as well as the professional manipulation of the filter effects.

CB PAINT: Everything from NEW filters to rototracking........professional bluebox.......cutting out LIVE animation........actually placing PARTICLES onto a scene.........Z spacing................layering.................erasing portions of video.......................everything found in ADOBE.

We lost this capability with the introduction of the Gen 3 editing systems. We are "talking about" an expensive layout of money prior to this introduction that is not being carried over. I even invested money in the WACOM tablet, which is totally useless now.

If we can get CB PAINT back, this will bring our software into the 21st Century. I am really annoyed at losing CB PAINT and I hope someone realizes the frustration that other CB PAINTER'S are experiencing as well.

I find 3D intriguing but find CB PAINT to be practical for editing. I consider the lack of CB PAINT a step backwards as it elevated our work to a different plateau-a professional plateau!

Re: Another situation

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 10:09 pm
by HansJoachimKoenig
Hi Lou,
this is exactly the same situation I'm in which you just have re-viewed.
Waiting for CBPaint Release for Bogart almost 2 years now.
And yes, I also have invested in now useless WACOM table.
The "Coming Soon" period is overused a long time by now.
MS has to react.
OK, CBPaint is a powerful program and useful for many features as
Lou has stated above.
But when it's to big for Linux-Rewriting, why can't it be released featuring
only special features for additional editing help?

Re: Another situation

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 8:45 am
by RonaldPawlak
I know how you guys feel about purchasing the WACOM pad for CB Paint and have not been able to use it. I wanted to purchase one also, however, I thought the TWISTER program and controller at the time, was a better investment. That was $200.00 that's laying on the pile with the other useless outdated equipment that is no longer usable.

And how about all the software that I purchase that can only use in the DEMO mode on my S-4000 Pro, that also is money down the drain. I know, I know, "it's coming", so is Christmas, but what year.

Re: Another situation

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 10:09 am
by Alan
I hope the increasing sense of frustration that comes across here and in other posts is being noticed by MS. If it was my business I would feel obliged to respond. Do they know how we feel? Yes I know they have had and do have problems. What ever the issues, they do not seem to have a clue how to keep us on board.


Re: Another situation

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 5:09 pm
by Franklinbencosme
Colleagues, in my case I would have liked to have had any experience with the
CB paint, on the one hand I'm not all that suffering as if it had, in the previous generation of CASABLANCA
in my opinion (hopefully wrong), the peoples from
MS germany, this product will mean very little monetary gain and maybe this would be one of the reasons for which CB paint has not been relaunched.

Anyway, I hope not only that product, but many more that should have our machines publishers, in the immediate future must be launched.

I insist that they are obsolete in terms of improvements in software most frequently used for better presentation of whatever the type of video you do ....

Thanks again for your AVATAR,oops sorry 3D time.........Franklin

Re: Another situation

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 12:05 am
by JohnKleban
CB Paint is not a practical program for most; that is the bottom line.

I think I heard the sale totals on CB pain to be about 25, a bomb in sales in all regards. Other than Lou Bruno, Volker and Chris Stone (who I think may have left the Cassie family), I couldn't tell you one other person using that program. So, based on that, what's the point in spending more resources on a program used by 25 people? Frankly, of that amount, I bet some once they bought it, never really played much more with it - it simply is NOT practical for those of us who get paid to make video productions and have to watch the clock per hour; as that program was so slow and intensive to run, almost like doing a "Birdie" affect of 20 seconds that took him 3-4 days to do; nice to watch, but not practical in the real world.