during transitions on video

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during transitions on video

Post by ldimitui »

Hello everyone:

This is the first time I amd encountering this weird problem.

I'm working on video projects and during any transiton...the screen is closing and opening...or seems to be doing that(narrowing from top and bottom and returning to normal...the length of the transition}

Strangely, it doesn't do it with montage projects

It is doing it on both HD's

I never had this problem with SE-9

Is it a SE-9 problem?

Please, help me.... :?


Lex Dimitui
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Re: during transitions on video

Post by TimKennelly »

Hi Lex,

Sounds like a Project size setting issue.

Go to the Project menu and reset the size to Large or Full (for HD I definitely prefer Full)

You will need to either Remove and then Add the Transitions and render or re-input the video depending on the cam involved and what setting you originally had the Project set to.

That should take care of the problem.

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Re: during transitions on video

Post by ldimitui »

all the video projects might have been recorded into the Solitaire at normal setting...coz now that I've set it to full...it didn't make a difference.

does it really mean I have to reinput the video at "FULL" setting to begin with :roll

Lex Dimitui
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Re: during transitions on video

Post by TimKennelly »


It depends on the cam (what size image it records at) and whether I am correct on the problem.

I'd suggest inputting a minute of the footage over with the setting at full and Split some of that, add a Transition and see if it eliminates the problem or not.

If it does you have your answer.

You could try using the Black Border IP Effect and see if that hides the issue or not.

I don't think it will if I am correct about the problem, but it might.
My mom always told me that happiness was the key to life.
At school they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up.
I said “happy" and they told me I didn’t understand the question.
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Tim Kennelly
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Re: during transitions on video

Post by ldimitui »

I am positive all the HD projects were all recorded into the Solitaire at LARGE setting with SE-8. I never encountered this problem with any HD project that I've made several DVDs already.

I recorded a short HD project at full, put transitions...still the same problem :?

Thanks again

Lex Dimitui
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Re: during transitions on video

Post by TimKennelly »


While it isn't acting like I expect it to (and I prefer to troubleshoot it correctly the first time ;)) I still think it is a software size issue between the cam and editor.

Try inputting some more footage into separate emtpy Projects set to Normal, Large and Full and see if any of those settings fix it.

Are there specific Transitions it is doing this on or all you have tried, including Crossfade?

This is with a cam and monitor you have used without this problem prior or is the cam or monitor new?

Did you try the Black Border?
My mom always told me that happiness was the key to life.
At school they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up.
I said “happy" and they told me I didn’t understand the question.
I told them they didn’t understand life.

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Re: during transitions on video

Post by dixons »

This seems very similar to the problem I posted recently re transitions. I described it as a 'letter box' appearing 'behind' the transition (this could, of course also look like the screen narrowing). After following all of the helpful suggestions on the board, i.e, normal, full large etc and trying new projects in both 4.3 and 16.9. I am still having the same problem.

Chet offered suggestions which didn't work but he said he had 'encountered' this recently somewhere and would investigate it further to seek a solution. Fingers crossed.


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Re: during transitions on video

Post by CasablancaExpert »

As dixons indicated I have seen this firsthand and are aware of some other colleagues experiencing this. It appears to be in the recent OS (not saying it is a bug, but rather appears to be a refinement of the parameters of Project Settings).

Lex -- the only cure I can verify for this is to ensure I am loading 16:9 into a project that was originally set up as a 16:9 project or to load 4:3 into a project that was initially set up as a 4:3 project. I discovered if I load any footage into a project set in one aspect ratio (even creating a New scene (Black, Colorbars, etc) and then switch to the other aspect ratio, I will have this black bar anomaly.

But working with dixons, he apparently is wrestling with a different version of this problem as he has not mixed aspect ratios. Still trying to figure that one out. :?:

Chet Davis
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Re: during transitions on video

Post by dixons »

Thanks Chet. Glad to hear that you are still on the case!

kind regards,

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Re: during transitions on video

Post by ldimitui »


like i said I never had any problem when I was still at SE-8 and there
and I've been using the same set up no change except for OS

I tried to go back to SE-8 a while ago...and got a message that I will lose all my projects if I did...so I clicked no.

I had the impression we can go back and forth without losing project'

and I've watch some of the DVD's I've made with SE-8...absolutely no problem

this problem is happening on both HD's and all transitions...but it seem with video projects only...coz I've finished several montage with SE-9...no problem.

Thanks again to everyone :roll:

Lex Dimitui
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