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camera for posters?

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 9:35 pm
by andra
I know this post isn't about video...but I was wondering what type of camera one would use to photograph scenery/objects/people etc. if the intent was to create full size posters? (type, megapixel, lens, etc.)

My neice has taken an interest in video and photography (mainly photo's at this point) and she asked this of me and I haven't a clue!

she's only 11 at the moment so thing's are in their infancy..basically it's just a general question but I do want to answer her properly.

any help would be appreciated.

Re: camera for posters?

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 12:15 am
by CasablancaExpert

Re: camera for posters?

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 5:38 pm
by andra
hey chet how ya doin'?

thanks for the link's they should prove most helpful.

I don't really do much video (read: none really!) anymore much less photography so I really was clueless.

Re: camera for posters?

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 10:12 pm
by flvideo
I don't know how large you want but I have a sony camera that 10.5 Mpixils and I have made some awesome pitures the largest being 15x30 I think and they were good crisp images and my customers were thrilled. I looked into buying a wide format printer the price of the printer isn't bad but the ink is expensive. I take them to Walmart or sams and they are I thin $2.87 each as I remember. And they are using the sam Epson printer I was looking at and Epson paper. I get $18 for that picture. I hope this helps. Bob...