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Sony HVR-Z7 Lens adapter

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 4:16 pm
by ChrisStone
Hi Folks
Sony makes a lens adapter for the HVR-Z7 that allows you to attach Sony Alpha DSLR lenses to the camera. Its called the LA-100w. Supposedly it allows you to get the shallow DOF shots that everyone is after now. I have the HVR-Z7 and am just wondering if any of you, or anyone you know has this setup and what the results are.


Re: Sony HVR-Z7 Lens adapter

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 9:15 am
by LouBruno
Hi Chris and others,

Yes... I have "looked" into this as well last year.

My conclusion, after discussing same with the numerous HDSLR users in both my organization and researching it on the Internet ,is the only benefit would be the use of a wider range of lenses. It seems that besides the lens, the chips are the issue in my HVR-270U (Z-7's big brother) due to their 1/3"size. HDSLR's have an oversize chip, as do the two new SONY and PANASONIC cameras touting a cinematic DOF. When the lenses and the oversized chips are coupled together, the results are outstanding for a shallow DOF.

With the HVR-270/Z-7, I usually utilize the lens at full focal length or open the iris to 1.6 and increase shutter speed as well. Of course, the proper lighting is taken into consideration.

Re: Sony HVR-Z7 Lens adapter

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 5:27 am
by ChrisStone
Thanks Lou. I kind of thought that if buying this lens adapter and using camera lenses was going to make a big difference, I would have heard about it long ago.