25mbs vs 50mbs video files???
Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 8:56 am
I haven't quite wrapped my head around the reqirements for 25 mbs video and 50 mbs video. 50mbs HD video is clearly sharper than 25 mbs HD video in all examples that I have seen of the exact same scenes. DV and DVCAM are recorded at 25mbs and our Cassie equipment edits the files as 25mbs. Am I on track so far? Some cameras such as the Sony EX series and DSLR cameras also have the capability to record to flash cards at 50mbs. Our Cassies series III can ingest the footage and edit the files. Are the files dumbed down to 25 mbs during the loading process or are they retained at 50 mbs?? Next, what determines the mbs?? If I use any HD high resolution camera and firewire it to a 50 mbs recorder, do I have true 50 mbs files? Or, are the files similar to loading SD footage into an HD project? Nice but not true HD. Inquiring minds want to know.