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Down Converting from HDV to SD

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 8:30 am
by CliffHawkins
I have a Canon XH-A1 and have never tried to downconvert into my Solitaire. I tried this morning and it would not work. On the A1 I turned the Downconvert to on. I set my project to 16:9 anamorphic (sp?). The HDV\DV and Channel 1&2 icons keep flashing on the A1 and I get no response from the Solitaire to the A1. I am able to dowlaod to HDV in my Solitaire with no problems.

Anybody have any thoughts? Hey Lou what do you think?

Re: Down Converting from HDV to SD

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 1:47 pm
by TimKennelly

Most cams have to be turned off and then back on to make the mode change take effect.

Try turning the cam off, then back on and try the input again.

I believe the Canon uses a less than intrinsically obvious methodology of settings in this process, but you are right, Lou as a practicing owner of both an XH-A1 and Solitaire is the one to answer this specifically.

I do know it works so you just have a setting or some such wrong.

Re: Down Converting from HDV to SD

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 4:18 pm
by LouBruno
Greetings Mr Hawkins,

The XHA-1 is probably the easiest menu driven downconvert from HDV>SD of all cameras on the market. Easier than the HV20/30 and SONY HDV cameras.

Most downconvert errors occur when the user fails to designate the project to SD and also adjusts the camera menu while the firewire is active and attached to the editing system.

I just downloaded HDV>DV in a SD project as a test. It is very important to change the menu only when the firewire is detached.

Everything should be powered off and the firewire detached when executing menu changes in the XHA-1.

For the XHA-1:






Turn the camera OFF.

NOW.....plug in the firewire. Placing the firewire in the unit negates the conversion process.

If you are still having a problem replace your 1394 cable with anothe firewire cable as to eliminate the possibility of a bad cable.

Best of Luck

Re: Down Converting from HDV to SD

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 6:15 pm
by CliffHawkins
Guilty, guilty, guilty.

Firewire was attached. I will try again tommorow to see if I can get it to work.

Thank you Tim and Lou for your responses.