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16X9 question

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 6:56 am
by jeffphilips
I shot a show in 16x9 with the Sony vx2100. When I was editing it on my renommee plus and set to 16x9 anamorophic, viewing it on a wide screen tv, it filled the entire tv. Once I burned to a dvd, it is now letterboxed. Is there a setting I need to change to make it full screen? I did reduce the quality of the dvd during the burn, in order to fit it on the dvd. Could that be the cause?
Thanks for any help!

Re: 16X9 question

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 7:19 am
by TimKennelly
That would be a DVD player (or television) setting Jeff.

If you are using the same tv, then go into the menu structure of your DVD player looking for video playback settings.

You want to let the player know you are playing to a 16:9 television and that should do it.

Either that or your television is auto detecting something to make it switch to letterbox mode and again you should be able to control that with the television's menu settings.

I wish Arabesk added appropriate flags to automatically trigger these settings like some DVD authoring programs do, but . . .

Re: 16X9 question

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 7:43 am
by jeffphilips
Thanks Tim,
I am viewing it on the same tv that I viewed while editing. I will check my player and tv settings.