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Cassie Audio CD to PC Issue

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 2:20 am
by IanPearson
I have a strange problem, (no, no not that one) :roll: which to date I do not understand, nor have I a solution.

I have an acquaintance that asked if I could make a CD, ultimately for multi production, from audio tapes. He sings in a holiday venue and wants to sell CD’s of his act. I agreed to look at the single CD authoring for him to arrange mass production.

I transferred the songs to my Solitaire, split, trimmed, used the audio effects to do some improvements (reverb, volume, tone, etc.) listed the song list and made a CD.

So far, so good, but since he wants to mass produce, I copied the CD onto my PC and burnt a disc using iTunes and also Roxio.

Whilst the Solitaire generated CD plays fine on all my CD players, CD’s burnt using any of the PC programs have a problem. They will play each of the tracks fine if they are selected individually (that is if say track 3 is selected, it plays no problem) however, if the CD is left to play from track 1, (i.e. listening to the CD from the beginning) the start of each track from 2 onwards will start to play for about 2secs, stop and start again, this time continuing to play.

However, using iTunes from my PC, all the tracks play as normal.

I have tried using both my PC and lap top, a friends PC, all to no avail. I have re-mastered the Solitaire tracks, switched them to a different project using clip board, re-burnt several CD’s, all with the same result.

Summing up, there appears to be an issue in transferring a Casablanca produced CD to a PC and then reproducing a PC generated CD. I am not sure if it does not like the effects I have added, the silence I used for the gaps, or what.

Any views or suggestions ( in relation to this issue of course) :) would be gratefully received.


Re: Cassie Audio CD to PC Issue

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 5:36 am
by CKNewman
Hi Ian,

I've done what you describe with no problem going from the master created in my Kron Plus to a PC using Nero. I did not use the program to add two seconds of silence, I just left a bit of silence at the beginning and end of each track.

Just curious, what did you monitor the project on as you were adding reverb, etc.?

Re: Cassie Audio CD to PC Issue

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 10:55 am
by IanPearson
Hi Craig
Thanks for the reply.

I use the VGA set up and have a head set plugged into my TV monitor to check the audio. This silences the TV speakers and gives me a fair audio quality for monitoring. I have on occasions used this audio jack to feed the audio into a audio amplifier and speaker system, but I find the head set gives me all the audio quality I require.


Re: Cassie Audio CD to PC Issue

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 1:24 pm
by TimKennelly

When you say "burned with iTunes" are you ripping the Songs with iTunes and then creating the CD or using it in another way?

Re: Cassie Audio CD to PC Issue

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 4:00 pm
by IanPearson
Hi Tim
Yes I am importing the Solitaire CD into iTunes, which is ripping, to use another expression. I also did the same using Roxio, both with the same result.

It is strange that the Solitaire version plays normally on any CD player, but after importing to iTunes or Roxio and then burning a CD from either, the problem arises.

The reason I have done this is that when I sent the Solitaire CD to another party for copying, he used Windows Media Player and had the same problem???
