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Quadcam what # are we on with smart edit 7

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 6:44 pm
by alex
I had seen in one of the upgrade a V1.2, I have V1.1 but I cant find were the Download for this upgrade or is it for Bogard only and not for Smart edit machines.
Alex :D

Re: Quadcam what # are we on with smart edit 7

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 8:29 pm
by PaulBusta
1.2 is for Bogart.....I think. :D

Re: Quadcam what # are we on with smart edit 7

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 5:52 am
by TimKennelly

Yes, 1.2 is only for Bogart SE and it does not add anything, just fixes some bugs that appeared with QC in Bogart SE only.

Re: Quadcam what # are we on with smart edit 7

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 6:19 am
by alex
Thanks for the reply :D

Re: Quadcam what # are we on with smart edit 7

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 10:46 pm
by Jeanton
Hi Alex

I would not worry about a Quadcam upgrade for your machine the new Quadcam V1.2 for the Bogart machines is missing the most important feature of the whole program and that is the smartsync function. I found that the best bit of it all to go out on a multi camera shoot and not have to worry to have them all in sync when you get back. When I upgraded to the new Bogart 4000 Pro I kept my old Avio just to edit wedding ceremonies on, which defeats the purpoose of getting a Hi def editing machine. I addressed it to Germany but they said it was to difficult with the new operating system to get it to smart sync. Not impressed with the guys in Germany.(Still haven't got the full featured Bogart software)


Re: Quadcam what # are we on with smart edit 7

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 9:12 am
by chetdavis
I agree that the SmartSync feature of the original QuadCam was a great idea... but with the variance of internal timing info on different camera manufacturers and the time between synching your cameras and the event and the time to download your footage into the project - we found the majority of our customers (at least in NTSC) were not using the SmartSync functions and instead manually timing the footage.

That is why I would disagree with you... i still believe that the new version of QuadCam is totally worth it. I produce 2-camera shoots for my son's school (plays, musicals, etc.) and find QuadCam a valuable tool. And I love the increased capability of 05:00 seconds adjustment in the range button (ability to trim +/- 5-seconds without losing sync).

But then perhaps we can agree to disagree.


Re: Quadcam what # are we on with smart edit 7

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 4:06 pm
by TimKennelly

If autosync worked for you I can see being bummed that it did not carry over to the Bogart version, but I would disagree strongly that the "best feature" of Quadcam was the auto sync even if it worked for you consistently.

It never did for me as I found it somewhat erratic from the beginning and a total pain to have to try to sync three, four cams within the accuracy time frames so I stopped using that feature from the get go.

With two cam shots with one cam on a stable view is easily done in the old Split/insert method, but with two active cams or three or four cams Quadcam is priceless with or without the autosync.

It is easy to manually sync both ceremony and major reception footage (formal dances) by a flash or distinct sound for a/b or a/b/c/d editing with Quadcam.

Re: Quadcam what # are we on with smart edit 7

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 10:08 pm
by Jeanton
Hi Tim

Yes I do use the smart sync option all the time and have not had any problems with it as I time the cameras just before I go out for a job - usually it is within the hour of recording. I just don't have the time when I film a wedding to time them with a flash or something else. I film a wedding ceremony on my own with 3 cameras and have usualy arround a minute from taking the last shot from the bride arriving at the church to putting the main camera on a tripod, connecting a head phone and frame the first shot switching on the other two till I start. Now you see why I am dissapointed that the smart sync has been dropped, I do have to say using the quadcam software made me film a wedding ceremony much more relaxed when you know there are always two other cameras to switch to if you do make a mistake. I don't like to film a ceremony with one camera anymore - it is just to boring. In the past I didn't like editing ceremonies but with the quadcam it is so good to see the end result when all the camera shots come together and custumers don't realize that I film it just on my own.

Re: Quadcam what # are we on with smart edit 7

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 12:29 am
by jimmeeker

I am glad that you have had good luck with the auto sync portion of Quad-=Cam. It was an engineering triumph to use the camcorders clock to sync them together. When it works it is great.

However, I must say that not having any time to sync three or four camcorders between the time the Bride arrives and the ceremony starts is not a problem when not using Auto Sync. You don't sync anything at that just start them all running and do the syncing at the editing stage. With the Photographers shooting 10 to 15 shots of them coming down the aisle you have plenty of visable flash sync points to start your editing without auto sync.

You are the first one who I have heard of that still uses that feature. It is a great feature but is not really a priority need when so many new items are coming out that need the developers time, energy and attention.

This message is not in any way trying to belittle your position on Auto's just to let you know that thousands of us are getting by nicely without it, and many or our members shoot multi-cam weddings by themselves and love Quad-Cam.

It represents MacroSystem's basic idea of simplicity in editing, with the shortest learning curve.

Best of luck to you.

Re: Quadcam what # are we on with smart edit 7

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 6:43 am
by BobC
I agree with Jim (usually a good choice as he knows Cassies very well). I use Quadcam all the time, but rarely use Autosync anymore as it is just as easy to line the shots up in post.

The method I use is to find a flash as Tim and Jim suggested. Match each cameras shot to that spot using Trim with both input and output scrolled to the flash so only one frame is showing on the counter. Then scroll back in Input to the beginning of the ceremony on each clip to the exact number of frames. After that scroll the output to the end of the ceremony on each clip. I then split out each of those clips so that they are the exact same length. Go into Quadcam and assign those newly split scenes to background, cam 1, 2, 3 and you are ready to roll. Hope that makes sense.