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Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 6:26 pm
by RonaldPawlak
I know it takes some time to convert the files from the old system to the new S4000 series. I would like to know if they will eventually make the Twister compatable to the new S-4000 series. If not, would someone like to buy one for their Kron, Avio or some of the other older systems. I use to use it a lot and now it just sits there.

Re: Twister

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 7:03 pm
by Jeanton
Hi Ronald

I use the twister alot and yes the twister is compatible with the S4000 pro but you have to downlaod the Bogart software upgrade 1.2c for that. Don't know if it is in NTSC yet but we got it in PAL land maybee contact Chet for that. We alsowe just got the release of the full blown media manager here in Australia but I haven't been able to downlaod it yet (to much travic to the server in Germany). I am looking forward to have a play with it and keep you all updated how things are going.

Re: Twister

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 12:35 am
by TimKennelly
Yeah, hang on to your Twister Ron, it's back in action with the latest S4P OS upgrade!