Watch on Copyright
Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 6:30 am
I constantly see on indietalk and else where on the net, people asking about copyright(s). I personally copyright and do a secure register with the LOC (library of congress) on almost everything I do. I get all releases on everything I shoot (talent, location, etc.), whether I charge or do a project from my own pocket. I never do work-for-hire. Let me add. I am not a lawyer. I am not giving legal advice. But. I saw this a short while back and recommend for all on indietalk to watch and share. If you do NOT own the book... well, that is up to you. But you should watch THIS. Hands off to B & H for a quality presentation. While I purchase from B & H, I am not an employee and make no money from any referrals. ... COPYRIGHT.[/url]