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Legal Videography

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 8:34 pm
by mandmvideo
Legal Video
I'm considering expanding my wedding event business into the legal field. Wondering anybody else experience and anyone familiar with course on video depostions offered by the court reporter assoc. (CLVS) or from american guild of court videographers.
Any info would be helpful.

Re: Legal Videography

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 8:37 am
by roger915
Member for 1 year now.
It is great money.
If you chose to call me My number is 432-570-6466

Re: Legal Videography

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 9:57 am
by Beachy
Is there a Uk equivalent does anyone know?? john

Re: Legal Videography

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 12:57 pm
by timthrift
I have done a few and it is real good money. However it is very boring work and I hated it. On the few I did it makes you understand how our judical system has lost all common sense, I wanted to stand and say why are we wasting money on this case that could be solved with a little common sense. Like the lady or man that sued because she held the HOT coffee between her legs while driving and it spilled so that was the fast food joints fault. Just my thought, if you like that kind of work go for it, it's pretty easy work.

Re: Legal Videography

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 6:41 am
by BobFoster
I have considered the same course. Most of my work is in the legal field with District Attorneys, sheriffs, and the UGA School of Law. After discussing the matter with a number of top lawyers and judges, I got the feeling that certification was just a money maker for those offering such certifications and did not pursue the issue any further. My experience doing depositions was not the greatest. After stacking up a few jobs from an old time experienced layer, I received a letter from the lawyer's lawyer notifying me of his impending bankruptcy filing and never received a penny. Sort of soured me on depositions. However, if you discuss it with someone who is a certified court videographer, you will receive all sorts of comments about how you are in grave financial and legal danger if you are not a certified videographer. Just my deflated $.02. YMMV. :o :o