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Weva or 4Ever group

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 10:17 am
by mandmvideo
I'm a Wedding / event videographer and considering joining Weva or 4ever group. Looking for feedback on both.

Re: Weva or 4Ever group

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 4:36 pm
by TimKennelly
The 4EVERGroup was a really cool upstart a couple of years ago and I joined them as a founding member after decades of being a WEVA member.

That said, they have fallen on hard times economically and welched on paying their speakers at Video08 along with a bunch of their vendors and I do not believe they will be viable much longer.

I know essentially all the former speakers and not a single one of them are going to be attending Video09 or having anything to do with 4EG any longer.

Virtually the entire staff resigned their jobs including Tim Ryan who was one of the two owners and a driving positive force in the group.

I think you would be throwing money away joining 4EG at this point and I did not re-up this fall.

So WEVA is really the only game in town.

They were great in the early years and got suckier and suckier over the last couple of decades as far as really doing much for the members of this industry, but apparently had an epiphany when they found they had competition in the form of 4EG.

While they succesfully drove 4EG into backcruptcy and have eliminated the competition I am hoping they have learned the errors of their ways and will continue to improve like the last couple of years.

They have an excellent convention annually in about the second week of August that will be in Orlando next year.