distortions and artifacting

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distortions and artifacting

Post by charles5335 »

Hello all,
I don't get to come on the message board much these days, too busy trying to catch up with wedding work.
Here's what I'm running into,I only hope someone out there has experienced this and can tell me what may be wrong.
I usually make an "intro" of 30-40 8 second clips with either 2 second x-fades or z-drop between each one. Also, I use "color filter" on each clip before adding it to the storyboard. When all the transitions are through rendering, I get "blotches" of artifacting scattered all throughout the 30-40 clips. They resemble camera flashes in real time, but when I make it into a scene and bring it back down into the scene bin, I find digital artifacting, and frames of other video. I can usually clean it up, but I'm wondering if my hard drive is going bad or something like that. I'm using the latest SE software in my Renommee Plus. Any ideas, ya'll????
Chuck McCall
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Re: distortions and artifacting

Post by wischdr »

Need to try different settings if your slow motioning your clip.[ length adjust]
John Wischmeier Solitaire and Renommee user Smart edit 7 Arabesk 4
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