storyboard backup

For all questions & tips related to Casablanca video editors.
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Posts: 97
Joined: Wed Apr 02, 2008 2:22 pm
Casablanca Unit: 1 casablanca solitaire most software. liberty plus all software one S4000 pro most software. One S4000 pro all software. 6 panasonic and 2 sony 3ccd cams. running Se9 on solitare and bogart 3.2 on both S4000's.
Location: cuyahoga Falls Ohio

storyboard backup

Post by Lowell »

I used a Lacie to backup storyboard (DV backup) It was 45 scenes when I restored into my S4000 with Bogart 3.2 it made 96 scenes the vows were made into 7 scenes the homily was made into 14 scenes etc. When I went back to my other S4000 and went into new project to restore storyboard it made the original 45 scenes. I have done it twice on Bog 3.2 anyone else having trouble restoring into Bog 3? Thanks...... :roll: :?:
Lowell Brockway email: 330-922-5606
Posts: 217
Joined: Mon Sep 01, 2008 11:34 pm
Casablanca Unit: Avio/Bogart 4000 Pro Bogart 2.4 Pal with twister,Quadcam,Photo Studio 2,Twixtor
Location: Toowoomba /Australia

Re: storyboard backup

Post by Jeanton »

Hi Lowel

Did you have inserts in the ceremony the machine looks at them as seperate scenes.
Put those cut ceremony scenes onto the story board and just play the cut in transition mode and you might find
that there are frames missing. :roll:

I haven't used DV Back up I use HD back up instead.
I just rememberd 3.2 does not like long scenes (ceremony/speeches) and will split them up into scenes
even when you never stopped a camera and this is staight from the original tape imported by firewire.
This wasn't good if you are using Quadcam and multiple cameras and makes the job so much harder.
I have reported that to MSDE and they reponded it had to be my tapes.
I have gone back to Bogart 2.4 as the real time audio editing didn't make up for the troubles I had with 3.2c (Pal)
Jeantons Video Productions
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