Quick Question: 16x9 photo montage

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Quick Question: 16x9 photo montage

Post by JohnKleban »

Hi All,

Under a time crunch for getting a large montage done today, if I set my Prestige's project folder to 16x9 Anamorphic before starting this montage and loading in the photos; is that all I need to do in order to have this created in 16x9?

I realize more black borders on the sides for some vertical stuff, but I just wanted to be sure I was doing this right. I still use photo studio 2 for my montages and animate some of the photos with slow zooms in and out and across, and I keep some shots static too; just a mix.

John Kleban
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Re: Quick Question: 16x9 photo montage

Post by CasablancaExpert »

Hello John,

Yes, start by setting your Project Settings to 16:9 anamorphic, then in Photo Studio 2 - I would also go into 'Options' under Presentation and set the 'Fit to size' to either Black Border' or 'White Border' for those photos that won't conform to the aspect ratio. And lastly, if you want your photos to all fit precisely into widescreen aspect ratio, under the 'Edit' button in Photo Studio 2 Main Menu, select a photo and then click on 'Crop'. Set the Format (in bottom left corner) to 'Video 16:9'. This will show the 16:9 border in dotted lines so you can make your own adjustments (note: this is a destructive crop so if you're experimenting you would wisely 'Copy' the photo first).

But if you're under a deadline, just set the Black border and make a scene of the whole batch and you should have a good looking montage. Hope that helps!


P.S. Any other colleague reviewing this post - you may benefit from my Photo Studio 2 Intensive Tutorial DVD. This is available from your Casablanca dealer or via my online store: http://www.casablancaexpert.com/store/products/22
Chet Davis
the Casablanca Expert
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Re: Quick Question: 16x9 photo montage

Post by JohnKleban »

Awesome, thank you so much Chet! Off to work on this shortly, needed by 8:30AM tomorrow for a funeral, a friend's mother passed away and he brought me well over 100 images. In scanning these in late last night, amazing to see how far we have come - from a technical standpoint. Many of the images are blurry, soft, faded to red, black/dark backgrounds, have scratches on them and a decent amount even have bent corners and folds. The digital stuff today by good dslrs is just amazing; sure would have been sweet if all the images were from a nice digital camera....talk about making this job cake then...

And, because his mother was a smoker up until she passed, these photos really have a smell to them; I had to put them out in our garage when I finished scanning them - they were starting to affect my breathing and my eyes.

Thanks again.
John Kleban
Special Event Video

SE 7 / Sony FX1 Cameras
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