Smart Edit 9.1 on Prestige with two drives

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Smart Edit 9.1 on Prestige with two drives

Post by Bobsday »

Ok, I have a Prestige with Smart Edit 3.6d and have two drives with this operating system on it. I know, you'll say antique but it has been a great OS for me. I was convinced to go from 3.6d to 9.1. By the reviews and all that it will no doubt have great advantages. Now, here is my question. Being I have two drives, one is pretty much cleared off so I was going to load 9.1 on that drive. However, I have a huge project on the other drive that I have been working in 3.6d on and am scared to death to risk goofing it up. I know this system writes to the BIOS so I need to know that if I load 9.1 on drive one, when I shut down and put drive two back in to work on the big project to finish it in 3.6d will it work correctly or will there be changes that will affect 3.6d? Thank you for the help. One of the reasons to change is my last post to load music into the machine and trim the songs and re-burn them to CD does not appear to be in OS 3.6d. So, that is one reason to upgrade as well. Thank you folks. Bob
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Re: Smart Edit 9.1 on Prestige with two drives

Post by CasablancaExpert »

Yes, you can use two (or more) different hard-drives with a Casablanca Prestige (or other Smart Edit editor) with different versions of the OS on them. The BIOS primarily only saves the 12-digit software activation codes for your software, but not the actual version of the Operating System. So you are safe to plug in one HDD with Smart Edit V3 and then boot down, plug in the other HDD with Smart Edit V9 and work on separate projects. You likely know, that although you don't have to put in the activation codes for the add-on software again, you will need to reload the add-on software onto the HDD with the newly installed OS (if you have not already done so).

Hope that helps!

Chet Davis
the Casablanca Expert
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