How do you orgznize a shoot's pics?

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How do you orgznize a shoot's pics?

Post by videojim »

I am thinking that when there are multiple shoots, with multiple cameras the scene numbers might duplicate, so I wold do well to use more than one project in the editor, and move the scenes I use via clipboard to a final product project where the scenes would be named/numbered so as to be in some kind of order. Additionally, I have stills in a separate project for same reason. How do other folks do this? Maybe Chet can address this in a klatsch sometime.
Skype ID-talkingrock756
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Re: How do you orgznize a shoot's pics?

Post by CasablancaExpert »

Hello Jim,

If they are still photos and you wish to use them for various projects I would import using Photo Studio 2 and just keep them in PS2 until I am ready to use them for my project/s. As you may know - PS2 allows you to import these photos into any project, so it's like using the Clipboard in a way, but I think more convenient.

I do have an article based on this question which you'll find here in the Members Resources at Casablanca

Hope that helps!

Chet Davis
the Casablanca Expert
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Re: How do you orgznize a shoot's pics?

Post by videojim »

Too brain-dead to see how they might go into ANY project, because I had to be in a project to engage PS2.
Skype ID-talkingrock756
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