Renommee Crashes

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Posts: 24
Joined: Thu Apr 17, 2008 8:30 pm
Casablanca Unit: Renommee, OS 9, Arabesk 4
Renommee Plus, OS 9, Arabesk 4
Location: Niles, Illinois (or somewhere on the planet)

Renommee Crashes

Post by camdad67 »

When I load the Smart Edit 9 disc into my Renommee, the software list appears. As I remember it, instructions for loading Smart Edit 9 should appear. I go through the list looking for SE9 or OS9 anyway.

Also, PIP Studio starting acting strange. I wanted to place 6 scenes onto one other. PIP allowed 5, the 6th came up as diagonal red and white lines and the system froze. After what seemed like 5 days, I forced a shutdown. This happened several more times. Now, my Renommee CRASHES with PIP Studio and EVERY OTHER transision, even crossfade.
Posts: 48
Joined: Thu Jan 29, 2009 8:10 pm
Casablanca Unit: Renommee v9.1 audio effects v1.1a, 3-D shapes v1.1, card drive v1.3d,
disk-transfer v1.2a, DVD arabesk v3.3, effect pack (1-4) v1.1, Front pack (1-4)
PIP studio v1.0, Photo Transfer v1.6c, Power Key v1.0, Title Effects 1 v1.2
Title Effects 2 v1.4, Blue Box World, Object Tracer.
Prestige Plus v4.1
Location: Burlington, Iowa

Re: Renommee Crashes

Post by sparks0335 »

Sounds like your operating system is corrupted. You will need the OS9 Boot up disk not the software disk. Power up, put Boot up disk in and power down then power back up, this should bring up the instruction to do full install. This will wipe the HDD clean so back up all programs to tape or external HDD. After a clean install you will have use the all software disk to install the add on software you have.
John Boughton
Renommee and Prestige Plus
Posts: 24
Joined: Thu Apr 17, 2008 8:30 pm
Casablanca Unit: Renommee, OS 9, Arabesk 4
Renommee Plus, OS 9, Arabesk 4
Location: Niles, Illinois (or somewhere on the planet)

Re: Renommee Crashes

Post by camdad67 »

The OS disc does not boot up the machine properly. When I use the OS disc, the Renommee goes to the opening page for continuing or starting a new project. I only go to the software list with a hope that I'll find SE9. I am using the OS disc, not the software cd.
Posts: 48
Joined: Thu Jan 29, 2009 8:10 pm
Casablanca Unit: Renommee v9.1 audio effects v1.1a, 3-D shapes v1.1, card drive v1.3d,
disk-transfer v1.2a, DVD arabesk v3.3, effect pack (1-4) v1.1, Front pack (1-4)
PIP studio v1.0, Photo Transfer v1.6c, Power Key v1.0, Title Effects 1 v1.2
Title Effects 2 v1.4, Blue Box World, Object Tracer.
Prestige Plus v4.1
Location: Burlington, Iowa

Re: Renommee Crashes

Post by sparks0335 »

I have never seen anything like this. I wonder if the OS9 Boot up disk is bad, or the HDD is hanging up. Is the Pioneer DVR working?
John Boughton
Renommee and Prestige Plus
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Casablanca Unit: Renommee, OS 9, Arabesk 4
Renommee Plus, OS 9, Arabesk 4
Location: Niles, Illinois (or somewhere on the planet)

Re: Renommee Crashes

Post by camdad67 »

Hello John,

A couple of months ago, I tried rebooting the OS9, and it didn't work then. I was editing and burning DVDs. Everything seemed to be working fine. So I figured that I will deal with the boot-up problem at a later time. I guess now is the later time.

I'm trying your suggestion. Right now, Arabesk is working on a DVD. It is rendering the project and everything seems to be going as it should. I'll see if I can get a DVD.

Could it be that the machine is simply not reading the cd? Some time ago, I remember somebody saying that the machine (computer) has to read THINGS in a certain order. So if the DVD drive is not #1, it will skip it. You have to go in the BIOS or somewhere to check and rearrange if necessary. Do you know where to go and how to do that?

Posts: 48
Joined: Thu Jan 29, 2009 8:10 pm
Casablanca Unit: Renommee v9.1 audio effects v1.1a, 3-D shapes v1.1, card drive v1.3d,
disk-transfer v1.2a, DVD arabesk v3.3, effect pack (1-4) v1.1, Front pack (1-4)
PIP studio v1.0, Photo Transfer v1.6c, Power Key v1.0, Title Effects 1 v1.2
Title Effects 2 v1.4, Blue Box World, Object Tracer.
Prestige Plus v4.1
Location: Burlington, Iowa

Re: Renommee Crashes

Post by sparks0335 »

I sent you the boot up SET UP in an email. I think you problem is a bad OS boot up disk. Call me and we will discuss this more.
John Boughton
Renommee and Prestige Plus
Posts: 24
Joined: Thu Apr 17, 2008 8:30 pm
Casablanca Unit: Renommee, OS 9, Arabesk 4
Renommee Plus, OS 9, Arabesk 4
Location: Niles, Illinois (or somewhere on the planet)

Re: Renommee Crashes

Post by camdad67 »

Thanks John,

I gotten into the BIOS and rearranged the order of things: Burner first, Casablanca second and hard drive third. Some how, along the way, they got messed up. Now the other problem. I'm going to delete PIP Studio and reinstall it and see if works correctly. Thanhs a lot.

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