renommee question

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Posts: 618
Joined: Thu Jun 18, 2009 8:59 pm
Casablanca Unit: Bogart 6.1 for windows, Renommee, Avio pro, and a cassie classic
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Location: Myakka City, Fl.

renommee question

Post by flvideo »

I am editing a wedding and I discovered a scene that I left out. I have it essentialy done I have music and audio clips in and When I add this scene that I missed I don't want to messup my audio. What is the best way to do that without messing up the audio? THanks!
Posts: 37
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Casablanca Unit: Renommee, Kron, Karat w/Blue Ray, Bogart 5.5c
Location: West Hartford, CT

Re: renommee question

Post by PhilHandler »

Make a scene of the whole storyboard. Move the new scene to an new empty project. Split the scene at the point you want to put in the scene you missed. Put the new scene in between the two scenes from the project you had previously. Make a DVD.

This way you protect the editing on the original project.

Phil Handler
Posts: 618
Joined: Thu Jun 18, 2009 8:59 pm
Casablanca Unit: Bogart 6.1 for windows, Renommee, Avio pro, and a cassie classic
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1 panasonicpvGS120
Location: Myakka City, Fl.

Re: renommee question

Post by flvideo »

Yeah that will work and I may do that but I was looking for something a little quicker. I have been editing with this Romee for years and never done that before. We I guess i'd better clarify that I have messed up the audio before, been there and done that. I have never left out a complete scene. When you do an insert it ask if you want to move the audio. Will that answer prevent the audio from moving. I have spent hours on this piece and have all ready taken a bath on it. Their PA took a dump and I had a camera up front so I have had to insert clips from the front cameras on board Mic to get the audio. Their system was in and out thru the whole ceremony.
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Joined: Tue Mar 25, 2008 2:56 am
Casablanca Unit: Windows computer with Bogart SE 13.3, Arabesk 7, Audio Effects Pack v1.2b, Motion 3D XL-1 Pack 1, Sentry HD-Backup, Disk Juggler, Power Key, Aspector, Chromit, Effects Pack 8, Effect Pack 9, PiP Studio 3, Time-X, Ultimate Spice Box HD, Slivers, PIP Studio 4 ; Older windows computer with Bogart 8.4, Arabesk 7; Kron Plus with SE 8.3, most Generation 2 software except for CB Paint, Columbus, titling add-ons, and graphics symbols. Various TVs and a Kenner Give-A-Show Projector
Location: Boston, MA

Re: renommee question

Post by CKNewman »

Did you make a Scene of the storyboard as Phil suggested?
Craig Newman
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Re: renommee question

Post by PhilHandler »

Once you make a scene of the entire storyboard, you have frozen everything on it. It is safe. Copying it to another project will not change anything. Once it is there, if you split it, each piece will remain as it was in the previous storyboard. Just add the new scene between the two parts of the split scene and you are good to go for a new DVD. The original storyboard is safe in its own project. This method will take a minute. It is very quick.

Posts: 618
Joined: Thu Jun 18, 2009 8:59 pm
Casablanca Unit: Bogart 6.1 for windows, Renommee, Avio pro, and a cassie classic
2 Sony PD170s, 2 panasonic dvx100s, 1 JVC DV300, 1 sony DCRhc42
1 panasonicpvGS120
Location: Myakka City, Fl.

Re: renommee question

Post by flvideo »

Phill I forgot to update you. I made a scene of the whole wedding and reception and then slit it between the two scenes where the missing scene went and as far as I can tell it went smashingly! I delivered the video today and if I don't hear any protests All is well. Thanks Man! I have done that many times but I was thinking I may be able to do it easier but that wasn't bad. I realized why I missed the scene. I made a hi-light for the couple within a week of the wedding and gave it to them and I had trimed a scene and covered up the scene that I had missed.
Posts: 37
Joined: Thu Apr 03, 2008 1:14 pm
Casablanca Unit: Renommee, Kron, Karat w/Blue Ray, Bogart 5.5c
Location: West Hartford, CT

Re: renommee question

Post by PhilHandler »

Glad to hear it. Thanks for the update.

Phil Handler
flvideo wrote:Phill I forgot to update you. I made a scene of the whole wedding and reception and then slit it between the two scenes where the missing scene went and as far as I can tell it went smashingly! I delivered the video today and if I don't hear any protests All is well. Thanks Man! I have done that many times but I was thinking I may be able to do it easier but that wasn't bad. I realized why I missed the scene. I made a hi-light for the couple within a week of the wedding and gave it to them and I had trimed a scene and covered up the scene that I had missed.
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GLIDECAM HD-2000, I-Pad latest, Sony HX-99..4K still camera

, SONY FDR AX-700 HDR 4K video camera, GoPro HD2&3, SONY HDR-CX150 small HD pocket camera, SONY AX-53. Panasonic HC-20

Two Samsung BD D5700 Blu-ray players. OPPO 4K player.
JVC DT-V20L1 HDV monitor, All Music2Hues and Digital Hotcakes, Nikon D-80 still camera, NIKON D7100 HDSLR 18-300mm lens, D500 Nikon, 10 professional bicycles, two camels and a donkey :-) ........
Location: Lancaster, PA

Re: renommee question

Post by LouBruno »

Just a reminder. Those with BOGART and MAYBE SE 9 can COPY. The entire project to an empty project area.

Go to project settings. Look to the right side of the screen. Look for the word COPY. You can now copy the entire project to an empty project intact. No need to make a scene sample of the original storyboard and use the clipboard. Using the COPY method transfers the entire project into an empty project including the storyboard, scenes etc.
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