Two Monitors for S2000

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Two Monitors for S2000

Post by LegendsStudio »

Is there a way to hook two monitors up to the S2000 at the same time and both get a HD signal ? One monitor has HDMI and the other has VGA... I got a DVI splitter that splits the DVI to HDMI and VGA then did the screen settings for Monitor one and two but only the HDMI will work and the VGA shows nothing.
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Re: Two Monitors for S2000

Post by CasablancaExpert »

We can use a 2-monitor configuration where one monitor shows video playback and the other monitor shows your GUI/Menu (though I recommend a single monitor set-up with the Bogart OS). But I am confused by your post -- are you wanting to split the DVI output to go to both monitors?

Chet Davis
the Casablanca Expert
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Re: Two Monitors for S2000

Post by LegendsStudio »

Yes Chet I am trying to split the DVI so I can see it with two monitors with playback
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Joined: Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:34 am
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Re: Two Monitors for S2000

Post by CasablancaExpert »

I do not believe you can use a passive splitter to split the DVI output to feed two different monitors... I believe you would have to use an active splitter, essentially with an amplifier... but I will leave the hard facts in that to someone who has first-hand knowledge of that.

And even if you could it would be a mirror display, showing the same signal on both monitors. Within the Casablanca we do have the ability to separate or manage your desktop to split or show different GUI (menu) windows on separate monitors (this can be done on other compute based editing applications)
Perhaps you already knew that and are attempting something different, but wanted to be clear to others reading this post.

Chet Davis
the Casablanca Expert
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