Tip when creating chapter menus

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Tip when creating chapter menus

Post by Christopher6206 »

I currently use Arabesk 5.6 so I would assume this problems exists in at least every version of this software before that as well. I had created a custom chapter menu for a client who I had transferred some old 8mm film to DVD. He wanted each reel to have it's own chapter point and title in a custom chapter menu. Each of his chapter titles varied in length describing what was on each reel and what year the reel was taken. After creating the chapter menu with 10 chapters and burning the disc Arabesk made the chapter menu with 10 chapter thumbnails but only the first 8 worked. The other 2 buttons would just stop the disc. After looking into it, I figured out that the first 8 buttons all worked but 2 of them randomly had 2 chapters embedded in them instead of just one. Which was why the last 2 buttons did nothing but stop the disc. This also threw off the continuity of the disc making the button for chapter 5 actually be the button for chapter 6. It threw off the thumbnails as well making each thumbnail the wrong one for the chapter it was supposed to go with. With me so far?

There were also 2 chapter thumbnails with the ends of their title cut off. Where it was supposed to say "1972" only 197 was listed even though 1972 was listed in the preview screen before burning the disc. I know this because I did this twice trying to figure out what went wrong. And on a few of the longer chapter titles I noticed there was a limit to how long each chapter title could be. But I adjusted the titles to make sure they would fit when typing them in. Nevertheless, 2 of the titles were apparently still too long once the disc was created since once looking at the chapter menu 2 of the titles had cut off the last few characters of the title. And after comparing the chapter menu on the burned disc to the storyboard I realized that Arabesk had added the chapters with the cut off titles to the previous chapter making it one chapter instead of 2, and hence making my disc only have 8 chapters instead of 10, and then causing the last 2 chapter buttons (chapters 9 and 10) to just be empty titles. The 2 chapters with titles too long had 57 and 62 characters, including spacing, punctuation, and that alt enter sign that indicates a new line. One had one character missing the other had 3. Apparently the character limit is less than what Arabesk thinks it is. And also isn't consistent.

At any rate, I got those chapter titles down to below 45 characters each, re created the chapter menu and now it all looks fine. I now have 4 coasters for the beer I'll be having in celebration of this troubleshooting victory.
Chris Crawford
Travel 2, running Bogart 12, All software
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Re: Tip when creating chapter menus

Post by BobFoster »

I try to avoid long and detailed descriptions of individual film reels. What works for me is to create a title graphic page between each reel of film with all the description on that page. The page is a "still" about 5 or 6 seconds long. Each title graphic page is the beginning of that chapter and is the thumbnail for that chapter in the chapter menu. By selecting that title, the viewer gets the film description before viewing the individual film. The description text limit is only what can be printed on the title graphic page. Each film description is also viewed while watching the movie. Don't use a cross fade at the end of the film to the next title page or you will lose the title graphic thumbnail in the menu. A fade from the title graphic to the film video is OK.
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Re: Tip when creating chapter menus

Post by Christopher6206 »

Thanks Bob. I hadn't really considered putting titling in the transferred film reel. But it sounds like a good option. I just thought it was an interesting glitch in the Arabesk program. That if you make your chapter titles too long it messes up your final DVD. :D
Chris Crawford
Travel 2, running Bogart 12, All software
Karat with Bogart 10.3 , Arabesk 7
S-4000 Pro with Bogart 5.5c, Render Booster, most software
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Re: Tip when creating chapter menus

Post by BobFoster »

Actually I try to convince the customer to print a "Program" sheet to go along with the DVD that lists all the descriptions matched to the chapter/reel number and include it in the DVD library case. Rarely ever succeed in that effort though.
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Re: Tip when creating chapter menus

Post by Brenda »

Chris: Happy to know about the 45 limit. Have never had a title that long, but might some time. Enjoy your earned beer. Bob: I'm with you. Creating a title page is so much easier in the edit window than in the Arabesk. I also do the "program" on the DVD case cover. Better to have that in hand with the video playing than having to search.
Lantow Productions, casablancabrenda@gmail.com, 530-283-1590
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