Sony NX800 Camcorder

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Posts: 20
Joined: Thu Jun 04, 2009 4:11 pm
Casablanca Unit: Karat with Bogart 10 and Arabesk 7 v7.3 gold edition

Sony NX800 Camcorder

Post by francisbvp »

This is a new professional camcorder that sony has released unfortunately i'm unable to get any of my recordered files into Travel 2 Bogart Gold Version 14.0 Pro.i've tried every format in the camera to record on but when i try to select file to copy to the Bogart the system crashes. I'm aware that its the audio files that cause the problem so i got an audio converter file which then allows me to copy the files into Bogart but this is massively time consuming
Surely Casablanca Bogart must be aware of new cameras and have a fix to sort this problem ?
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Casablanca-4 piccolo
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Displays: 32" 1920x1080p50 + 40" 3840x2160p50
Location: S.H.I.E.L.D. Agency, Dietach, Austria, Europe

Re: Sony NX800 Camcorder

Post by mhuebmer »

So Sony decides to remove the audio mode that was useable on all their previous camcorders - and the €49 BogartSE Windows software is now expected to include a more complex compressed codec that is only used professionally? I can't imagine that. :?

Have you asked Sony NOT to remove (or reinstall) that previous setting :?:
Posts: 20
Joined: Thu Jun 04, 2009 4:11 pm
Casablanca Unit: Karat with Bogart 10 and Arabesk 7 v7.3 gold edition

Re: Sony NX800 Camcorder

Post by francisbvp »

No I haven’t I was hoping Bogart update might sort out and also waiting for camera firmware update to see if that changes anything
Posts: 1357
Joined: Tue Apr 27, 2010 5:06 am
Casablanca Unit: Casablanca-4 Saphir (i7-6700k)+ NVidia 1050T
StudioPro + NVidia 1050Ti
Casablanca-4 piccolo
Karat, S-4100, DVC-3000
Displays: 32" 1920x1080p50 + 40" 3840x2160p50
Location: S.H.I.E.L.D. Agency, Dietach, Austria, Europe

Re: Sony NX800 Camcorder

Post by mhuebmer »

MacroMotion will not invest into adding a professional camcorder support for the BogartSE software, just because Sony wants to cut back on previously available features in their cameras. So you will have to continue using my converter.
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