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Re: URGENT !!!!

Post by TimKennelly »


I'd suggest taking Dennis up on the offer for 2.2.

It isn't perfect, but for DV input it is improved and does appear to fix the dropped frame issue.

I just did a thirty minute wedding in HDV (simple two cam, inserts ceremony) and with the faster machine this isn't the time killer it was to try HDV with on the Solitaire and avoids the dropped frame issue on your current OS.

There is a bug when taking HDV directly out to Arabesk DVD where it doesn't show the entire proper widescreen aspect.

The work around for that is to make a Scene of the entire Storyboard and Clipboard that to a 16:9 SD Project and Clipboard will automatically downrez convert the Storyboard.

That part does take a while depending on Storyboard length.

Then create your Arabesk DVD from that Project and the resulting DVD (with appropriate menu settings at 16:9) should play back properly formatted widescreen SD.
My mom always told me that happiness was the key to life.
At school they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up.
I said “happy" and they told me I didn’t understand the question.
I told them they didn’t understand life.

Tim Kennelly
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Re: URGENT !!!!

Post by Franklinbencosme »

Hey thanks Tim !!! today I mail MSUS :lol: to request the update! :o

Franklin :mrgreen:
Posts: 118
Joined: Thu Apr 03, 2008 3:14 pm
Casablanca Unit: AVIO DV SE 6; S4000Pro, DVX100; Sony HDV1000U; Sony HC9 with Letus mini and lenses, MacBook Pro

Re: URGENT !!!!

Post by ShadowVision »

Since I sold my DVX and went with the Sony FX1000, I shoot everything in HD. I've not had any dropped frame issues in HD.

But I often run in stuff over Svideo from DVD and this results in the occassional dropped frame. My new HD cameras (the HD1000U, FX1000, and HC9) don't seem to do flow through analogue to firewire like I could do with the old SD Panasonics that I sold! I'm gonna get an older SD camera back from my ex and try it. It's good I'm still talking with her, ha!

One other thing, if you are downconverting from HD into your S4KP, I think that is not the way to go. I run everything in as HD and then when exporting to Media Manager or DVD I make a scene of the finished project and then pop it into a SD project. This produces a nice SD dvd in Arabesk. If you go directly to Arabesk from HDV, the dvd image is heavily constrasted and not 16:9.
Jonathan W. Hickman
Author of THE TASTER
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