Delete corrupt clip

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Re: Delete corrupt clip

Post by qualityfilmvideo »

Thanks for all the suggestions. I have almost given up on trying to save my edit. I have tried all of the suggestions with no change in the outcome. I have decided to buy a new hard drive and I don't know what specifications I should be looking for. Also where is the best place to buy a drive?
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Re: Delete corrupt clip

Post by JPaul »

I'm using the 160 GB Seagate drives on my Kron+. You can order from New Egg for about $45+ shipping. Here is the link: ... 6822148247

Good luck!
Paul Tessier - Northern Virginia
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Re: Delete corrupt clip

Post by rone »

If you can play the finished project, turn off both of your machines, connect via firwire, play out the project as though sending out to a recorder (not arabesk) and record on the second machine. If the problem transfers to the second machine the problem is with the file. If the second machine works ok then the problem is probably with the hard drive. But now you can continue the project.

When I changed from an Avio to my Solitiare I sent all the projects to the new machine via fire wire Avio-Solitiare.

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Re: Delete corrupt clip

Post by TimKennelly »


Coming into this late.

I doubt anything is wrong with the actual drive.

You just have a corrupted OS which a full, destructive OS install would "fix", but at the cost of losing all Projects, data, archives, etc.

Prior to doing that try deleting the clips and then do something that does not cause a crash (preferably, Create 11 new Scenes of say a Color and then delete them) and then immediately pull the plug rather than power down.

Wait five minutes, plug back in and power up and see what happens.

If it comes up without that Restored from a previous Archive I would switch out of the Project and get all your other work saved out to tape prior to going back into the problem Project.

At that point I would try using Clipboard to migrate all layering, clips and Storyboard Scenes to a new Project and consider that Project "off limits" until you have time to do a full, destructive install.
My mom always told me that happiness was the key to life.
At school they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up.
I said “happy" and they told me I didn’t understand the question.
I told them they didn’t understand life.

Tim Kennelly
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Re: Delete corrupt clip

Post by qualityfilmvideo »

It seems that no matter what method I try I end up in the same place with the bad clips loading. I tried all of the suggestions. Can someone remind me how to do a full destructive reload of the OS? When I put in the OS4.1 card, it just replaces the OS without deleting any of the projects or data.
Thanks again for everyone's help! It is a great asset to have the advice and help of you all!
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Re: Delete corrupt clip

Post by TimKennelly »


You answer No to the first question about installing and then it will offer you the destructive install procedure, it will then warn you and ask you if you are sure.
My mom always told me that happiness was the key to life.
At school they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up.
I said “happy" and they told me I didn’t understand the question.
I told them they didn’t understand life.

Tim Kennelly
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