Mirror Text

For all questions & tips related to Casablanca video editors.
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, SONY FDR AX-700 HDR 4K video camera, GoPro HD2&3, SONY HDR-CX150 small HD pocket camera, SONY AX-53. Panasonic HC-20

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Re: Mirror Text

Post by LouBruno »

Volker: I was wondering. Can a person place effects such as Shift Hue and other effects to the bottom text?
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Re: Mirror Text

Post by RonBrookman »

Volker wrote:Ron, why don't you show some of those JPGs here? This could be interesting. We all can learn from each other. :)
I'll see how many respond. Haven't heard back from anyone yet. But I would be happy to share.
SoCal & Montana, USA
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Re: Mirror Text


What a creative use of the titler !!! looks great Volker thank you for sharing this as in my humble opinion the MS titler does not live up to everything else I love so much about our editors.
This helps give it a very professional look.

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Re: Mirror Text

Post by ChrisStone »

Here's a sample of mirrored video that I did real quick without the use of CB Paint


Used PIP studio to put video on "video black"
-used flip vertical to invert
-applied fog with black/diamond to give the gradient look
-applied a small amount of blur
-then used Split screen 2 with clip and video black again to distort/shorten image
-then used PIP studio on more time to place original clip on top of reflection

Down and dirty but it works!
Chris Stone
Etched In Stone Video Productions
Renommee + SE9, All software, Panasonic AF100 Panasonic AG-160,
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, SONY FDR AX-700 HDR 4K video camera, GoPro HD2&3, SONY HDR-CX150 small HD pocket camera, SONY AX-53. Panasonic HC-20

Two Samsung BD D5700 Blu-ray players. OPPO 4K player.
JVC DT-V20L1 HDV monitor, All Music2Hues and Digital Hotcakes, Nikon D-80 still camera, NIKON D7100 HDSLR 18-300mm lens, D500 Nikon, 10 professional bicycles, two camels and a donkey :-) ........ Gocycle@gmail.com
Location: Lancaster, PA

Re: Mirror Text

Post by LouBruno »

Outstanding Chris. I really think the scene looks professional. Good work and another tip for saving.

I am currently putting together some title effects using different effects. I will try to get it up on YOU TUBE tomorrow.
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Re: Mirror Text

Post by CasablancaExpert »

ChrisStone wrote:Here's a sample of mirrored video that I did real quick
Oh beautiful Chris -- nice work. Thanks for this tip as well!
Chet Davis
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Re: Mirror Text

Post by Volker »

Volker Hill - Germany
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Re: Mirror Text

Post by IanPearson »

This is great, we are now back to where this site first started, the editing tips. Yes the system / equipment issues are important, but to me the art of editing is the exciting part of this forum.

Some time ago, Lou suggested a tips page, which at the time was I think slightly misunderstood and ended up as the current page. I think however, what he meant was a page with tips purely on editing techniques, like in this topic. Correct me if I’m wrong Lou.

First my thanks to Ron, for asking the question and for Volker and Chris for their contributions. I wish more would ask for “how do I get this effect” type questions. I am more of an innovator than an inventor, so this type of topic is the one that gets me thinking.

Volker’s work has so many variations, it is almost limitless. For instance I just tried one variation which works great.

1. After creating the inverted text on black, I used the special ZI Ripple 1 to give it some wave type movement and made a scene of the result.

2. Next place the static text on top as per Volker’s method, but left a small gap between the upper and inverted images. Again made a scene of this.

3. Next I brought in two scenes from Hotcakes, one of sky and one of sea waves.

4. Placed the sea scene on the story board, followed by the scene from step 2, used BB Bluebox world to key out the black, but used the exclude function to leave the top section as is, so we now have the ripple inverted text on a sea background in the bottom half, with static text on black in the top half. Make a scene of this.

5. Finally place the Hotcake sky in the story board, followed by the scene in step 4 and again use BB Bluebox world to key out the black..

The result is static text in the sky, just above the horizon, with a wavy inverted text on the sea, which is quite a neat effect.

Thanks again guys, this is a great forum.

Ian Pearson S6000 Bogart SE7 - Solitaire OS V9.1 - Avio DV Pro OS V9.1
Programs:- Most programs, with the notable exception of CB Paint and Quadcam
Kingston upon Hull. England
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GLIDECAM HD-2000, I-Pad latest, Sony HX-99..4K still camera

, SONY FDR AX-700 HDR 4K video camera, GoPro HD2&3, SONY HDR-CX150 small HD pocket camera, SONY AX-53. Panasonic HC-20

Two Samsung BD D5700 Blu-ray players. OPPO 4K player.
JVC DT-V20L1 HDV monitor, All Music2Hues and Digital Hotcakes, Nikon D-80 still camera, NIKON D7100 HDSLR 18-300mm lens, D500 Nikon, 10 professional bicycles, two camels and a donkey :-) ........ Gocycle@gmail.com
Location: Lancaster, PA

Re: Mirror Text

Post by LouBruno »

I have a link below to Volker's Mirror Text with variations I made. I guess I should also place it in the Video section as well.

.The secret to adding effects basically is to place the effects to the bottom of the flipped version, then opening up the titler to place the upright version which remains in memory

.Instead of using low saturation for the entire mirror text, I used GLOW instead.

.The Mirror Effect works excellent with our CANDY FACTORY and I placed a few examples as well.

.Shift Hue, coupled with Lens Flare made a complimentary choice.

.LINK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00uh1vM1PeU
Last edited by LouBruno on Wed Apr 28, 2010 7:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mirror Text

Post by ChrisStone »

Lou, this is a family board, I cant believe you'd talk like that :o :o
Chris Stone
Etched In Stone Video Productions
Renommee + SE9, All software, Panasonic AF100 Panasonic AG-160,
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