Photo Studio 2 Importing Scene

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Photo Studio 2 Importing Scene

Post by shanegrier »

Hey all,

Is there away to import a still from a scene in the storyboard into Photo Studio 2?

Shane Grier
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Re: Photo Studio 2 Importing Scene

Post by IanPearson »

Here is one way

First with a scene in the scene bin trimmed to the frame you want to export, use Photo Transfer, “Export to photo memory card” and transfer this still to your PC.

However, if you want to transfer this back using PS2, the resolution will be too low, so you need to enhance it in some way, like as follows. This example uses Photo shop on your PC, but other programs can be used.

When a Casablanca video still or graphic is transferred to a PC, via flash card or data transfer, they are at TV quality and therefore at low resolution. If they are then required for print or to transfer back to the Casablanca as a PS2 pattern, they are of insufficient quality and size.

Although they can never be enhanced to the quality of a high resolution scan or original photo, they can be improved using Photoshop, such that they can be used in PS2 animations or reasonable print quality.

After opening the graphic with Adobe Photoshop, carry out the following:-

1. When opening the program, a dropdown box may appear, select “Assign working RGB
2. From the top menu select “Filter” – “Video” – “De-interlace”. In the “Eliminate” option , Select “Odd fields” and in the “Create new fields by” option select “Interpolation” – “OK”.
3. From the top menu select “Image” – “Adjust” – “Levels” and set the “Input levels” box 1 to 16 and box 3 to 235 – “OK”
4. From the top menu select “Image” – “Adjust” and set the brightness, colour, saturation, etc, as required. – “OK”.
5. Again select “Filter” – “Sharpen” and sharpen the image as required.
6. Select “Image” again – “Image size” and in the “resolution box enter a value of at least 300dpi – ”OK”. Ensure “Constrain proportions” is un-checked.
7. Finally “Save” or “Save as”, give the file a name, file extension *jpg and set the options to “max” – “OK”

Ian Pearson S6000 Bogart SE7 - Solitaire OS V9.1 - Avio DV Pro OS V9.1
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Re: Photo Studio 2 Importing Scene

Post by CasablancaExpert »

Is there away to import a still from a scene in the storyboard into Photo Studio 2?
Hello Shane,

As Ian correctly pointed out, the resolution of a still scene of video is relatively low quality... but you can do it. I find the quality is ok for backgrounds, or for a montage but not so good for being a primary, single photo on-screen.

To do this easily, you will need Photo Transfer (in addition to Photo Studio 2).
Here are the step by step instructions for doing this - copied and pasted directly from my new (soon to be open... still working out internet gateway/site installation 'techno-fun' ;) ) website - this is just one of 70+ articles/tutorial on the site (and growing daily)

Still video into Background for Photo Collage
I stumbled across this capability when I was building a video for my 30-year high school reunion. I wanted to use a still clip of a shot of my high school and add photos from our senior year yearbook on 'top of the image'. Here is how I did this:

Required software: Photo Transfer, Filter Pack & Photo Studio 2

1. Select video scene to be used for background still, adjust IN trim position to desired still frame
2. Using ‘Still Scene' from Special menu in Edit Screen, select Field and create a short length (0:01:00 for example) and click ‘ok'
3. Using ‘Color Filter' in Special menu in Edit Screen (part of Filter Pack software) select ‘Low Saturation' and click ‘ok'. This will add effect to the still scene
4. Click on the newly created still scene in the Scene Bin and click ‘Photo Transfer' in Special menu in Edit screen.
5. Insert USB Drive in Casablanca USB port
6. Click ‘Export' and ‘ok' and select ‘High Quality' and select source as "USB Drive' (this will save your still scene to the USB Drive as a JPEG file).
7. Launch Photo Studio 2 (Special menu in Edit screen)
8. Click Import and select USB Drive from source
9. Select the image previously saved in step ‘c' above and click ‘ok' (this will pull that image into Photo Studio 2).
10. In Photo Studio 2 main menu, click on ‘Collage' - select ‘New' and add image pulling this still scene into the collage.
11. Resize the image to fit the entire screen size (or desired layout).
12. You can now add additional images on top of this scene, enabling it to function as your background for a collage of other still photos.
13. When you have the desired collage, click ‘create scene' for this image to move to your Scene Bin.

Hope that helps!

Chet Davis
the Casablanca Expert
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