Everyone has seen a web video where the speaker walks onto the scene and makes a brief statement. It looks as though the background is transparent. Then the speaker walks off scene ... very cool!
How can we do this with our Cassie?
Avio with all software except paint.
Sounds like a bluescreen/greenscreen trick, the kind of thing you try to do with BlueBox World. Look at the weatherman in the news. The map that is behind him is placed over a blue wall, which is what is really behind him. The software sees the color and replaces it with an image, such as the satellite picture weathermap. This is a very old trick used all over the movies. They used just blue until they discovered that Walter Cronkite's eyes were the key color, and the software started keying on them. Couldn't have a grotesque looking Walter, with keyed out eyes, so they had to make systems that keyed on other colors also.
Ron, This is done with chroma key, as Jim mentioned. You can do it with BBW. Getting it onto the website is not my expertise.
I recently did the same thing you are looking to do, for a client of mine. I shot him in front of a green screen. Click on this link to view. http://www.davisdeejays.com/
My client then sent the video to http://www.videohotshots.com/ and they helped him put it on his website. Apparently, they write the code and all my client had to do was get his webmaster to paste it on his home page.