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s-2000 audio sync problem

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 12:01 pm
by jpjdenmark
My new s-2000 has replaced my old Avio. But I'm not to happy about the change. When I load SD-material through firewire to the s-2000, the audio is three frames ahead of the picture. It is the same in the storyboaurd and the finished project. And, yes, I have tried different cameras and different TV's.
The only way to get a perfect lipsync is to correct the sound scene by scene, by making a scene to sample, and then use the sampled sound delayed three frames and delete the original sound.
Just finished a project with 800 scenes, of which 400 needed to be perfect lipsync. Not very amusing.
Is my machine malfunctioning, or is this a software bug to be corrected?

Re: s-2000 audio sync problem

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 2:30 pm
by TimKennelly
You are the first one I know with a S2000 so I doubt if anyone knows at this point.

I would suggest you officially report it to tech support (this forum is not the official tech support, but rather is primarily a support group of users) so it becomes a known bug to be fixed if it is that rather than just a glitch happening on your S2000 or current OS load.

You are on the cutting edge which many times is the bleeding edge.

Short of official tech support answers (and as mentioned this forum is not the official tech support, nor is it necessarily monitored by tech support) which I would follow first, my suggestion would be to do a full, destructive install of the OS and see if that fixes it, but only do this if you know what you are doing.