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Prestige question

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 7:52 pm
by smokey888x2
I own an Avio, it's got a moderate amount (I really don't recall) of software on it. I think I could have had it updated one more time but never got it done. Got any idea's where to sell it, and how much?

I basically do personal kinds of work w/ it but I'm looking at adisplay model orignally from a dealer but privately owned now, a Prestige and have these questions:

Any guesstimates as to it's value would be helpful.

How do I (step by step) look on it and determine what software is on it?

Thank you so much for your time, very much appreciated.

Re: Prestige question

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 8:27 pm
by TimKennelly
You can go into System Settings, Install product and you will see a list of all software you have activated on your unit (ones with the word DEMO on them rather than Active do not count).