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Moving text

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 3:31 pm
by jeffphilips
Not sure if the renommee can do what I am going to try and explain, but I have also included an example.
I want text to crawl across the screen very slowly. What I find is that I cannot have it contine crawling to any scene length, ie, my scene is 20 seconds and I want the text to move very slowly the entire time. It seems as though the max is 10 seconds. In the clip, I wanted the text to continue moving. It would move off the screen to quick, so after the text got to a certain point, i had to then create text without motion to complete the effect.
Please advise on any secret that I am not aware of. Or is it just a limitation of the system?

Click on the link, then click on "title".

Re: Moving text

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 5:36 pm
by TimKennelly

You control the scroll by going into Range and setting it to the desired duration along with the fade in/out time.

You can tweak this a bit by adding some footage (Scene) before and after the target Scene and Range your moving title longer in either or both directions so the actual action takes place for a longer portion on the Target Scene.

Then make a Scene of the Target Scene with the moving titling to get back to just the Scene with titling and remove the before and after Scenes you used to create what you were after.

Re: Moving text

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 5:38 pm
by jeffphilips
Thanks Tim.
I am not at my system until the 23rd. Right now, I am having a hard time visualizing what you described. Once I get back to my system, I will see if your decription makes sense. If not, hope you don't mind if I contact you.

Re: Moving text

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 5:53 pm
by TimKennelly
Feel free Jeff.

Re: Moving text

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 7:33 pm
by jeffphilips
Now that I am at my machine, I am aware of what you mentioned regarding the range. When I said it is only 10 seconds max, that is with the controls within the effect. Once I click on a text effect, There is a selection to control the page fade or line fade. When I paly with these, it gives me control to slow or speed up what the text is doing. But it doesn't let me get super slow. What I am trying to do is have a word on the screen the entire length of the scene and just move so slightly, but not leaving the screen. Is this something that can be done with the basic software.

Re: Moving text

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 4:03 pm
by TimKennelly

Got it, you are using Horizontal Letters, use Horizontal Scroller.

Add additional Scenes to the right on the Storyboard to the target Scene, use the Range to encompass that Scene as well.

The length of the added Scene duration will allow you to control the speed of the scroll.

If you want the Titling to fade in/out as well you would first want to add Scene duration, change Range to the left of the target Scene as well to get the pacing you want for the actual target Scene and make a Scene of this Titled Scene.

Then put the original Scene on the Storyboard, Insert the Titled Scene, Range it's duration to the desired effect and add Crossfade transitions to both end. of the Insert.

There are other ways to do this as well, but this would be the simplest and most direct method I can think of.

Re: Moving text

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 5:39 pm
by jeffphilips
I may have already tried what you mentioned, but I will take a closer look.

I was aware the fading titles. I do it the way you mentioned.

Thanks for the info!!

Re: Moving text

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 6:22 pm
by TimKennelly
Let me know if it works for you and if not I will try to go into a little more step by step with it.