quad cam

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Posts: 323
Joined: Wed Apr 02, 2008 4:08 am
Casablanca Unit: Casablanca Studio Pro (unable to use with latest software) The old reliable S6000 still working and using till Studio Pro works. Avio DVD, IMac, Panasonic AG-AC30, 3 Panasonic AG-UG90 last Bogart software and Arabesk release
Location: Methuen, MA

quad cam

Post by methuenbill »

I just started using quad cam. I used it to set a scene on the storyboard. I used a mic on the groom to get the sound and used that as my main camera. The mic is only single channel so only sound from the left channel. I made a copy of the scene audio switched to right channel and placed on the audio track. There a a number of camera switches using quad cam with fades in between.
My audio track is longer than the scene on the storyboard. I was able to sync it up by adjusting the start point. Anybody know why the audio is longer? Is it because I used a transition before the quad cam scene?
Posts: 217
Joined: Mon Sep 01, 2008 11:34 pm
Casablanca Unit: Avio/Bogart 4000 Pro Bogart 2.4 Pal with twister,Quadcam,Photo Studio 2,Twixtor
Location: Toowoomba /Australia

Re: quad cam

Post by Jeanton »

Hi Bill

Have you trimmed the Quadcam scene after you taken the audio sample? Best thing to do is to lay the audio track underneath the background scene onto the storyboard before you use it for the quadcam then when you are happy with your sound make a scene of that and use that as a background scene for Quadcam. Make sure you don't go in the red when you double up in the audio the machine doesn't like it.
Jeantons Video Productions
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