Audio insert

For all questions & tips related to Casablanca video editors.
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Posts: 618
Joined: Thu Jun 18, 2009 8:59 pm
Casablanca Unit: Bogart 6.1 for windows, Renommee, Avio pro, and a cassie classic
2 Sony PD170s, 2 panasonic dvx100s, 1 JVC DV300, 1 sony DCRhc42
1 panasonicpvGS120
Location: Myakka City, Fl.

Audio insert

Post by flvideo »

I have a piece I shot this past week end and at one point a person had read a scripture and they didn't use a mic. Me being on the sound board got nothing of the audio. I recorded her reading it after the service and I have made a scene sample of that audio. I either have never done an audio insert before or I have forgotten. I am sure I have done it but I just can't remember. Any help would be appreciated. Bob...
Posts: 217
Joined: Mon Sep 01, 2008 11:34 pm
Casablanca Unit: Avio/Bogart 4000 Pro Bogart 2.4 Pal with twister,Quadcam,Photo Studio 2,Twixtor
Location: Toowoomba /Australia

Re: Audio insert

Post by Jeanton »

Hi Bob

I have never done an audio insert before but it unlikely it will match the footage in time.
If it is not recorded at the same time of the video footage it will never stay in sync.
If you are just talking of putting the sound under neath the speaker you handle it the
same way as if you ad music to your video.You can always grab just that part of the service
and make a scene of it to lock the audio in place. Don't waste to much time on this as
they won't pay for your time and it was not your fault that they were't using the mic.
Hope this helps good luck with it.
Jeantons Video Productions
Posts: 618
Joined: Thu Jun 18, 2009 8:59 pm
Casablanca Unit: Bogart 6.1 for windows, Renommee, Avio pro, and a cassie classic
2 Sony PD170s, 2 panasonic dvx100s, 1 JVC DV300, 1 sony DCRhc42
1 panasonicpvGS120
Location: Myakka City, Fl.

Re: Audio insert

Post by flvideo »

Hey Jeanton
Long time no see. When I realized they weren't going to give her a wiereless I continued to tape up front so I didn't have to worry about syncing her lips later. So the situation was that I just had to fill a quiet spot. I ended up putting it on the top music track and as far as I can tell its pretty close. Like you said I have spent enough time on it. How are things going? I haven't talked to you in a while. I shot a mud bogging show last week end and that was a hoot. If I get a chance I'll put together a little bit of it on you tube. Thanks for your input. Bob....
Posts: 217
Joined: Mon Sep 01, 2008 11:34 pm
Casablanca Unit: Avio/Bogart 4000 Pro Bogart 2.4 Pal with twister,Quadcam,Photo Studio 2,Twixtor
Location: Toowoomba /Australia

Re: Audio insert

Post by Jeanton »

Hi Bob
Glad you have sorted it out even though it was a challenge. It is going fine with us
we have now two little girls who keep us very busy and thats why I am giving up the video
work and concentrate on just living. It has been very hard to look after the girls hold a normal
day job en try to do video editing as well. My hobby's have been on the back burner and haven't
been sporting at all and that was my biggest joy in life to go for a ride or run but couldn't
get my self up to do any of that because of time. I hope with giving up the video work
my fitness wil get up to a reasonable level. I just filmed my last wedding today and once
I have finished the editing there will be a weight of my shoulders.
Jeantons Video Productions
Posts: 618
Joined: Thu Jun 18, 2009 8:59 pm
Casablanca Unit: Bogart 6.1 for windows, Renommee, Avio pro, and a cassie classic
2 Sony PD170s, 2 panasonic dvx100s, 1 JVC DV300, 1 sony DCRhc42
1 panasonicpvGS120
Location: Myakka City, Fl.

Re: Audio insert

Post by flvideo »

Hey Jeanton
I am sorry to hear of your getting out of the business but I understand. We have 3 boys and 2 girls so I know how that can be. Ours are grown and have lives of their own now, so dads video is good. My youngest is 42 so I guess that gives away my age. LOL! I am proud to be a member of the ole fart club. I earned it. The key to really enjoying my work is to shoot something that I truly love and that's racing. I was involved with racing way before I picked up a video camera.
Even though you aren't going to be in the business, don't be a stranger on here. I have enjoyed our chats. well you enjoy your girls. My oldest girl used to be my best friend almost. I was a Ham operator when she was 11, 12 years old and she crawled around roofs with me setting antenna's and all. She was my right hand man for several years. My boys were my hunting and fishing partners. I wouldn't trade those years for anything. Gods speed... Bob....
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