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Twin Screen (VGA & TV) Mode

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 2:06 pm
by GrahamJones
I have a lovely S4100, and so far it's behaved itself very nicely. Recently, however, it seems very reluctant to let me operate in dual screen mode - when I switch the unit on, it always goes to single screen, and when I try (by going to 'Settings') to change it, it simply will not co-operate. I give it very clear instructions - Screen 1, VGA and Screen 2, TV 1920 50i. I hit the button and it tells me that the "System will restart", which it does, and brings me right back to where I started. And this goes on and on.
I'm sure it's me doing something wrong - can anybody enlighten me?
I could wait until the March Get Together, where I'm sure I would get all the answers, but it's still quite a long way off.
All the best,

Re: Twin Screen (VGA & TV) Mode

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 9:43 pm
by jimmeeker
Hello Graham,

The Bogart system seems to be a little bit nervous with the high resolution setting of 1920. I've found much better and smoother operation when I set mine to the next lower resolution setting on my HDMI or DVI monitor and then a lower setting on the VGA monitor as well.

It may be that the processor is having a hard time working on the editing part of the assignment and producing the higher resolutions settings on the display monitor at the same time. I think it may be
easier for it to work with the lower settings and still do the editing work at the same time.

I have also noted that my S-4000 Pro decided to sometimes switch to another monitor set up than what I had set the controls for. This happened for a few days until I was able to re-install the operating system and the problem seems to have solved itself after that. It wasn't too bad having to re-install the other software again and because I had all my codes on a memory stick, it was quite simple to reload them.

I have no proof of this but it seems to be a logical answer to why the Bogart system starts to not work properly on a dual monitor high rez setting. It would also seem logical that if we go to a single monitor mode, the processor is working much less hard by only having to fill one screen with high rez information and may be able to handle the higher settings in the single mode....and have enough energy to do the actual editing at the same time.

As I have said, I have no real proof of this theory but it makes sense to me, and seems to be borne out by my own experience with single and dual monitors and the S-4000 Pro with Bogart 2, 3 and now 4.