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S4000Pro WPOS (Worthless Piece 0f X) won't turn on

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 8:12 am
by BobFoster
In an attempt to update to the latest software I fired up my unused S4000Pro and deleted all the 4 projects (non paying projects) that were in the project folders. I downloaded the Bogart 4.5c software and inserted the DVD into the optical drive. Next, turned off the S4k to restart the unit for full destructive install. It would not start. No light at all in the indicator window. I waited a couple of hours for it to cool down. ( sits on top shelf with nothing above or below to create additional heat) Nothing. Unplugged the non-operating unit and plugged it back in and the indicator panel light came on (blank) for a few second and then turned off again. Currently plugged into a new UPS. Tried a few more times with no positive results. Changed the power cord to a different source and got the same results. Every cable unplugged except power cord, VGA, and HDMI.

Re: S4000Pro WPOS (Worthless Piece 0f X) won't turn on

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 11:57 am
by CKNewman
I don't know how long you've had your editor plugged into the new UPS, but if the UPS wasn't turned on, plugged in, reset, etc., then your editor might have actually been running off of a small charge left in the battery that wasn't enough to keep it running. Hope you're having a good 4th of July!

Re: S4000Pro WPOS (Worthless Piece 0f X) won't turn on

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 2:45 pm
by BobFoster
Well Craig, the "new" UPS is about six months old and has other equipment plugged into it with no problems. This S4000 Pro has mostly been problems from the day I got it. I have not been able to depend on it for anything serious beyond some friend and family stuff. If it weren't for my 2 Reno Pluses and Prestige, I would be out of business. Thousands down the drain. Thus my WPOS evaluation.

Re: S4000Pro WPOS (Worthless Piece 0f X) won't turn on

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 6:25 am
by CKNewman
I wish the answer could have been a simple one. From what I've read here and on the Cassie Tips List, I think a number of these have had problems. Are you going to send it in for repair?

Re: S4000Pro WPOS (Worthless Piece 0f X) won't turn on

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 6:37 am
by BobFoster
I don't know. With my feelings now, I am tempted to take my 5 ton bucket truck and compress it to where I can put it in an envelope and mail it to Boulder. :evil:

Re: S4000Pro WPOS (Worthless Piece 0f X) won't turn on

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:03 am
by HansJoachimKoenig
Hi Bob,
your problems may have different reasons.
Maybe your new 4.5c-Disk has corrupted data and so causes the S-4000 to immediatly to shut off again.
I suppose it's still in the DVD unit drawer?It should be first ejected from DVD unit.
But this can't be manipulated as long the unit won't start correctly.

Second reason: Every S-4000 unit has a "Zero-Watt-Standby"-Circuit.
If over the years the rechargeable battery is exhausted the circuit can't operate the mains-relais as it should be.
If you own a PC having a firewire-card and firewire-connector please try the following.
Connect PC and S-4000 via a firewire cable while Casa is switched "OFF".
Use the firewire socket where usually video imports of footage are made.
Then switch S-4000 to "ON".
Now S-4000 is starting?

Re: S4000Pro WPOS (Worthless Piece 0f X) won't turn on

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 6:46 am
by BobFoster
First of all, Thanks for responding with some suggestions. First Suggestion: The S4k never turned on or saw the installed DVD with the SW. I had gone to the MSUS FAQ section and had read the suggestion to unplug the unit over night to reset the system. When I received your post, it had been unplugged for about 5 hours. I connected a "jumpstart" firewire and followed you instructions. The S4K started showing the Macrosystem logo in the display panel. The HDMI and VGA screens were blank as I had disconnected everything except the power cable. I connected the HDMI, VGA, mouse and keyboard cables. The screens were still blank. I connected an S-Video cable to a monitor. Nothing there. I disconnected the S-Video cable and connected a composite cable to a different monitor. Still nothing. I forced a "power down" and rebooted to see if the S4k would detect any of the monitors and output a display. Nothing. I started a reboot with the jumpstart still connected. No boot.

I disconnected the power cord and left it for several hours and booted the S4k without using the "jumpstart firewire" and the S4k booted with still blank screens but with the logo in the display. More research. At Chet's website, I looked up the "open DVD tray" instructions. This morning I started fresh and after several attempts was able to open the DVD tray and remove the non functional SW DVD. (holding the "escape" key on the (left) side of the keyboard did the trick) Next, again using Chet's instructions, I tried holding down the right mouse button to trigger the "display" selection. The logo was on in the display window, but holding down the right button for over 7 seconds did not produce any choices. Neither did holding down the right small button or both large and small buttons. Now that the DVD has been removed from the tray, I am going to unplug the S4k for several hours and start again after the reset. Any further suggestions are appreciated. By the way, where in the world did you come up with that idea of jumpstarting the Casablanca with a PC?? I never heard that one before. :shock:
Thanks Again
Bob F

Re: S4000Pro WPOS (Worthless Piece 0f X) won't turn on

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 9:14 am
by methuenbill
I had the exact same problem with my 4000. I have already sent it back to Boulder. I hope the cost is minimal.

Re: S4000Pro WPOS (Worthless Piece 0f X) won't turn on

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 10:43 am
by HansJoachimKoenig
Hi Bob,

since the S-4000 units are almost 5 years old, there have been some complaints of "Non-Booting" units posted in
German support forum.
Mostly the nonbooting effect is caused by the non-functional "Zero-Watt-circuit" relais.(Exhausted rechargeable battery)
The firewire "jumpstart" was recommended by the administrator to overcome the lack of voltage for the mains-relais.
I never had to use the jumpstart, but as you experienced it's functioning :o
To forever switch off the Zero-Watt-Standby and prevent further non-booting some adjustments have to be done in MediaManager:
MediaManager-->System(Settings)-->Settings-->(8) Device
Brightness 1-->100%
Brightness 2 during standby-->0%
Power saving mode(7)-->Never

But this for the time being won't help you since the unit won't boot correctly.

Maybe the memory cell is also exhausted so the system can't boot from internal harddrive?
Do you still have the System DVD Bogart 4.1g?
I would try to boot from this one.
Please report what is happening.
Sorry for the time being I have no other idea to maybe help you.

Re: S4000Pro WPOS (Worthless Piece 0f X) won't turn on

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 3:58 pm
by TimKennelly

The trackball right button thing is supposed to shortcut you to the monitor input selection screen, but if you have tried HDMI, VGA, S-Video after you successfully opened the tray using the Esc key/power up method and none of those gave you the GUI, you have already tested that none of the choices work. If you tried some of those prior to getting the DVD out of the drawer try them again.

Otherwise, your problem is likely to be more serious, aka: a video board issue I would think. :(

The firewire jumpstart was a new one to me as well, but Hans has a solid background in electronics in general and unfortunately for him, far more experience with S4000Pro problems than most. LOL