Many Issues with the S-6000

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Many Issues with the S-6000

Post by foreveryoung »

Many Issues with the S-6000

First let me say that I never had any issues in the SD world with my Prestige. I upgraded to the S-6000 have had nothing but problems. First my DV firewire port stopped working and had to send it back to be fixed.

I shoot with MiniDV camera Sony HDR-FX1000 Video Resolution : 1440x1080 and import via firewire. When I set project to 1440x1080i it becomes very jittery but when I import 1920x1080i, it seems much better (is this ok)

I am burning DVD’s to SD in the end so what if I import footage in the SD 16:9 setting without down converting (is this ok). Then edit in SD and burn in SD.

Have had many times when editing (specifically when doing many still scenes). The video monitor goes black and the small screen on unit says EDIT but cant to anything, I then have to unplug the unit and plug back in and then loose everything.

My current o/s is Bogart 4.5c and did 2 installs and did not clear up anything. And Arabesk 4.

My set up is a video monitor hooked in with HDMI cable.

I would appreciate any help

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Re: Many Issues with the S-6000

Post by CasablancaExpert »

Hello Ken,

Just sent you a private message (email)
Sorry to hear you are/have experienced many apparent issues with your S6000.

It appears you are shooting in the HD resolution on your Sony camera. If you are wish to import into an SD project on your Casablanca you are requiring the Casablanca Bogart to do the down-covnert for you. Some find this process yields acceptable results but others do not.

The best option I believe - IF you are shooting HD and producing an SD finished product is to use the camera to down-convert. BUT this is only possible if the camera you are using is HDV. This will not work (I don't believe) with an AVHCD camera, etc. that provides file based video.

The option of importing HD and editing HD and then exporting an SD project has (again) produced acceptable results for many in our community but others remark they are not yet pleased with the final result. There are _many_ variables in this process. The newest version of the Bogart OS - version 4.5C is/was supposed to have addressed or at least improved this down-conversion process.

Regarding the issue you mention about your monitor going black, I get that occasionally in different operations and also have to re-boot. But I have not lost everything. One recommendation I suggest in my workshops is to regularly click out of your existing project and click on the Record menu - it is my understanding that this forces a save and also clears the RAM Cache.
How full is your editor?

Chet Davis
the Casablanca Expert
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Re: Many Issues with the S-6000

Post by IanPearson »

Just to add a little to Chet’s comments.

The jitter you describe is an issue with V4. I found that setting the project resolution to that of the Cam resolution gave the best results, but I still had some jitter when playing back the scenes. However, when writing to an SD disc, it played fine. The convert from HD to SD takes some time though.

In PAL land we now have V5, which has totally corrected the jitter issue. I guess it will be with you in due time.

Again V5 seems to be more stable, I still have the occasional crash, but it does not seem to loose any of the recent work. One thing I did do before V5 came in, was to do a frequent “Copy a project to another project”, which you can do from the Project screen. This way the copy is always up to date at the point where it is copied, which limits the amount of lost work.

Finally, you mention that you pull the plug to reset the S6000, I would not recommend this. On the S6000, just to the right of the front USB sockets, there is a small reset button, use a small pointer to reboot the unit.

Ian Pearson S6000 Bogart SE7 - Solitaire OS V9.1 - Avio DV Pro OS V9.1
Programs:- Most programs, with the notable exception of CB Paint and Quadcam
Kingston upon Hull. England
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Location: Methuen, MA

Re: Many Issues with the S-6000

Post by methuenbill »

Have had many times when editing (specifically when doing many still scenes). The video monitor goes black and the small screen on unit says EDIT but cant to anything, I then have to unplug the unit and plug back in and then loose everything.

I have a brand New 6000 (3 weeks old) I have had the same problem Still Shots freeze then i have to unplug. I Also Love the hidden dvd eject button. What nut picked that front bezel. A special tool ro eject a dvd it will get lost, they should have put a chain on it.
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Re: Many Issues with the S-6000

Post by Franklinbencosme »

Ken I fell your pain,but in my case BOGART 4.5c is a little better then 4.1g,even that feel, I still having
freeze,crash,and a few more small problems,take a BREATH and have a nice weekend !! ;)

Good luck !
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Re: Many Issues with the S-6000

Post by flvideo »

Can I ask a dumb question please? How do you guys operate a business with all the problems with the S6000. I make a living off video and if I had all those problems I'd have to shut my doors. I think I'll stay with my old faithful Renny! It is SD but at least I can make a living with it. Or maybe you guys are hobbyist. That would explain it I guess. Just sayin! Bob...
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Re: Many Issues with the S-6000

Post by IanPearson »

I am not into editing for business, but even so do not like to spend time reworking lost editing.

As I said earlier, even though I am now running OS V5, I still have the occasional crash, but it has considerably improved. These improvements together with the vastly superior Bogart backup options mean I rarely loose more than a few minutes of work. It is more annoying than detrimental.

I have just reported an event which regularly crashes my system, even with V5. I am advised that MS Germany are aware of the general issue and will eventually look at a fix. One specific case occurs when I am using Columbus 3, in conjunction with power key, it crashes the system when I quickly scroll through the head object icon options. Our UK technical man says he has had similar issues when quickly scrolling through other program icons, e.g. big maps.

We have jointly done a series of tests and find that scrolling through the icon options more slowly, tends not to cause a crash. Selecting icon items, in my case at no more than 1second intervals, the system seems to be stable.

Obviously I do not know under what circumstances others have experienced system crashes, but it might be worth considering the above, until MS come up with a fix

Last edited by IanPearson on Sat Aug 11, 2012 9:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
Ian Pearson S6000 Bogart SE7 - Solitaire OS V9.1 - Avio DV Pro OS V9.1
Programs:- Most programs, with the notable exception of CB Paint and Quadcam
Kingston upon Hull. England
Posts: 323
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Casablanca Unit: Casablanca Studio Pro (unable to use with latest software) The old reliable S6000 still working and using till Studio Pro works. Avio DVD, IMac, Panasonic AG-AC30, 3 Panasonic AG-UG90 last Bogart software and Arabesk release
Location: Methuen, MA

Re: Many Issues with the S-6000

Post by methuenbill »

I use my video business as a second job. I started with the Avio then the Avio dvd then the 4000 Pro and just got the 6000. I find that with each of these unit there were problems and over time the problems get addressed. I have been able to find a work around to most of the problems. I also use the Apple in a pinch but have found the quality and ease with the Macrosystems better.
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Casablanca Unit: B4 WINDOWS main edit system S-6000 as BACKUP and old tapes edit
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Re: Many Issues with the S-6000

Post by Franklinbencosme »

Dealing with all the problems that S-6000 and others editor have is like marriage,after many years you learn how to deal with it .. :lol:
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